Meaning of the Unified Health System (SUS) (What it is, Concept and Definition)

SUS is an acronym that means Health Unic System, the public health system in Brazil.

The SUS was created by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and regulated by Law No. 8.080/90. This law defines the SUS as:

A set of health actions and services provided by federal, state and municipal agencies and public institutions, direct and indirect administration and foundations maintained by the government.

According to article 200 of the Federal Constitution, the Unified Health System has the following main functions:

  • control and inspection of health-related procedures, products and substances;
  • carry out health surveillance, epidemic control and worker health care actions;
  • participation in the production of medicines, equipment and other health-related products;
  • organization of the training of human resources in the health area, such as doctors, nurses and other professionals;
  • participation in the elaboration of policies and plans for the execution of basic sanitation actions;
  • use scientific and technological advances in health care;
  • carry out inspection and inspection of food and nutritional control;
  • control and inspection of the production, transport, storage and use of psychoactive, toxic and radioactive substances;
  • collaborate in protecting the environment and the work environment.

SUS principles and guidelines

The Unified Health System is governed by some principles and guidelines which are: universality, integrality, equity, regionalization and hierarchization, decentralization and single command and popular participation.

See what each means:


Universalization means that access to a good quality public health service is a right that must be guaranteed to all people. Furthermore, universalization means that it is an obligation of the State, through its governments, to guarantee and provide medical care services.


Integrality has two aspects. The first is the need for the patient to be seen as a whole and to receive care that takes into account several aspects. This happens through the integration of treatments and care with different health professionals. It also includes the prevention and treatment of illnesses.

The second aspect of comprehensiveness is related to the joint work of various sectors to build public policies that improve the health and living conditions of citizens.


Equity aims to reduce inequality among the people served. For this, it is necessary that care is more personalized and that patients are attended to according to their specific needs.

Equity also provides that there is no discrimination of any kind in the assistance.

Regionalization and hierarchy

Regionalization is the organization of services that are part of the SUS in order to make the system work in the best possible way. Hierarchization, on the other hand, is the organization of resources and services offered by the SUS according to the needs of each case attended to.

Decentralization and single command

This principle is also linked to the organization and proper functioning of the system. Decentralization means that each sphere of government (federal, state and municipal) has its responsibilities in the provision of health services. Each of these governments has autonomy to make decisions, as long as the system's principles are respected.

Popular participation

The popular participation guideline provides for the formation of councils and meetings with the participation of the citizens so that they can give their opinions and suggestions about how it works and about possible improvements. in the SUS.

SUS structure

SUS serves the entire country. That is why it is formed by various bodies at all levels (federal, state and municipal) that have different functions and ensure that the System works.

See what they are:

  • Ministry of Health: responsible for the organization and supervision of the SUS throughout the country;
  • State Department of Health (SES): takes care of state public policies and maintains the relationship between cities and the state;
  • Municipal Health Department (SMS): takes care of health action issues that are related to the city;
  • Health Councils: strategizes and controls the progress of public health policies;
  • Tripartite Inter-Management Commission (CIB): handles operational issues and the relationship between the Federal Government, state and municipal governments;
  • Bipartite Intermanagers Commission (CIB): responsible for operational issues between state and municipal governments;
  • National Council of Health Secretary (Conass): takes care of health issues in the states and the Federal District;
  • National Council of Municipal Health Secretariats (Conasems): takes care of municipal health issues;
  • Councils of Municipal Health Secretariats (Cosems): represent municipalities to deal with health issues with state governments;

Humanize SUS

HumanizaSUS is the National Humanization Policy (PNH) of the Unified Health System. It aims to improve the functioning of the SUS.

The objective of the Policy is to put into practice the principles of the SUS, which must be part of all health programs and policies.

The principles of HumanizaSUS are:

  • Reception: intends to pay more attention and care to the relationship between users and members of the teams that make up the SUS, it is the search for improving the relationship in care;
  • Participative management: proposes that the management of the system be done together, between the manager and various work teams, considering different factors and ideas in the decisions taken;
  • Ambience: brings together the concept of environment and personal experience to create service locations that are more welcoming, private and that respect people's individuality;
  • Expanded and shared clinic: it aims to observe the patient in general, taking into account their social and cultural aspects. Service should also not be restricted to just one medical specialty, it should be a global patient care;
  • Valuing work and worker: creation of programs that improve the health conditions of workers and workplaces based on debates and listening to the needs of professionals;
  • Defense of the rights of SUS users: has the objective of making SUS users know which health rights are guaranteed by law, so that they can collect them whenever necessary.

SUS card

The SUS card is the document that guarantees that the patient's access to SUS is easier. In addition, the card stores data relating to the date and location of the care provided, which care was administered and which professional provided the care.

The SUS card facilitates communication between different health care locations, providing important data for the creation and practice of public health policies. The card makes it easier to schedule appointments, exams and allows patients to receive medication for free.

The SUS card is provided free of charge and can be obtained with the presentation of a RG, CPF, birth or marriage certificate. User registration and card ordering can be done at hospitals, health posts, clinics or other locations determined by the municipal health department.

See also the meaning of Health.

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