Meaning of Deferred (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Deferred is the past participle of the verb defer, whose meaning is give assent to a request for something. Giving deferment is the act of approval or grant of an order or application.

The term is widely used institutionally when a hierarchical superior of a certain institution receives a written request from one of his subordinates. This request usually ends with the expression "requests deferment".

In case of an affirmative answer to the request, the hierarchical superior with the competence to do so writes simply, somewhere in the document where the request is made, the word "accepted" together with its signature. If the request is not met or approved, the word "rejected".

Learn more about the meaning of Rejected.

Deferred and deferred

There is frequent confusion between the paronyms “deferred” and “deferred”. Deferred (spelled with i) means postponed or delayed. The verb to differ also refers to the condition of being diverse or different.

See also what it means Deferred with appeal.

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