Meaning of Methodology (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Methodology is a word derived from “method”, from the Latin “methodus” whose meaning is “way or way to accomplish something”. Method is the process to reach a certain end or to arrive at knowledge. Methodology is the field in which the best practiced methods in a given area for the production of knowledge.

The methodology consists of a meditation on logical and scientific methods. Initially, the methodology was described as an integral part of the logic that focused on the different ways of thinking and their application. Later, the notion that methodology was something exclusive to the field of logic was abandoned, since the methods can be applied to various areas of knowledge.

Each area has its own methodology. THE teaching methodology it is the application of different methods in the teaching-learning process. The main teaching methods used in Brazil are: Traditional (or Content) method, o Constructivism (by Piaget), Sociointeractionism (by Vygotsky) and the Montessorian method (by Maria Montessori).

A research methodology can vary according to its nature. Thus, research can be qualitative, quantitative, basic or applied.

Scientific methodology

It is the discipline that deals with the scientific method. It is the structure of the different sciences, and is based on the systematic analysis of phenomena and the organization of rational and experimental principles and processes. It allows, through scientific investigation, the acquisition of scientific knowledge.

See too the types of research.

teaching methodology

The teaching methodology is an expression that has tended to replace the expression "didactic", which gained a connotation pejorative because of the formal and abstract character of their schemes that are not well embedded in real action pedagogical. Thus, the teaching methodology is the part of pedagogy that deals directly with the organization of student learning and its control.

Methodology and TCC

The methodology of scientific work, for example, for the completion of a course conclusion work (commonly called TCC), is the part in which a detailed and rigorous description of the object of study and the techniques used in the activities of research.

know more about what to write in the methodology and how to make the methodology for the TCC

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