What is proactive and what it is to be a proactive person

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Proactivity is the quality or attribute of a person with responsibility, initiative and, above all, who goes before to solve problems. It is the one that brings solution or possible resolutions and takes responsibility for their actions.

A proactive person is someone who is ready to resolve situations, or who takes the initiative to help with something, even if that is not their obligation. It is the type of person who seeks solutions, even if the situation is considered difficult.

Proactivity is considered the opposite of reactivity. Reactive people tend to act only when a problem becomes serious or when it's their job to solve it. A proactive person is someone who precedes circumstances.

That's why proactive people see problems or challenges as a possibility for improvement. and as opportunities to exercise your creativity to resolve them.

For example, daily we receive stimuli, such as demands at work, study, situations in personal life, or from friends and family who need help. Upon receiving these stimuli, a person can be reactive, that is, not solving situations or looking for possible solutions, because they feel that they are not their obligations.

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A proactive person, on the other hand, takes the initiative to find solutions or possibilities to resolve these issues, even if it is not their duty to resolve them.

Proactivity at work

One of the qualities most sought after by organizations today is proactivity, whether when hiring or promoting employees.

It is important for companies to have proactive employees who take responsibility for their work and who are able to find various ways to perform an action, solve problems and prevent losses.

Usually, proactive people at work are those who:

  • They are not only passive, but are able to think beyond their own work to bring new ideas and solutions to the company;
  • Contribute to the future of the company;
  • Can think of solutions when unforeseen events occur;
  • They are positive in finding solutions, even in difficult situations;
  • Take responsibility for their actions;

5 examples of proactivity

  1. A student who always contributes to the class, asking questions, answering questions asked by the teacher and trying to help in some way;
  2. Cities that take a proactive approach to fighting crime, hiring more public safety professionals;
  3. Professionals who, before having a meeting at work, write down relevant issues that can contribute with new ideas for the company;
  4. CFOs of a company who study the company's earnings patterns to ensure they don't run the risk of running out of cash at any time in the next year or two;
  5. A parent who senses that their child is accumulating material to study helps them create a study schedule that is easier to follow.

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