Popular Meanings (153)

Significance of the Diamond Wedding (60 years of marriage)

Diamond Wedding is the celebration of 60 years of marriage. Diamond is considered one of the most resistant and stable elements in all of nature. For this reason, on completing 60 years of marriage, the couple...

Definition of OMG

OMG is an abbreviation of the expression in English Oh My God, which in Portuguese means “Oh My God”. This is a slang that emerged in the United States and became popular mainly on the internet and...

meaning of jester

Jogral is currently known as a way of reciting poems or songs by a choir, alternating between singing and speaking. The jugglers are quite common as a play genre, where...

Definition of Comorbidity

Comorbidity is the existence of two or more diseases simultaneously in the same person. One of the characteristics of comorbidity is that there is the possibility that pathologies mutually potentiate each other, or...

meaning of latent

Latent means hidden, understood. The word latent is an adjective of two genders that qualifies what is hidden, what is not apparent. In the figurative sense, latent is what is...

Definition of Catachresis

Catacresis is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language, which conceptualizes the use of a given term outside its original context to figuratively name something that does not have a name...

Brazilian Biomes

Biomes are sets of ecosystems (fauna and flora) that have their own biological and climatic characteristics. The six continental Brazilian biomes are: Amazon, Cerrado, Caatinga, Forest...

Definition of Sunnis

Sunnis are the peoples that follow Islam, known as the "People of the Sunnah and the Collective". The name derives from the fact that they claim to follow the “Suna”, or “Travelled Path” (name given to words and...

meaning of oasis

Oasis is a small region, in a desert, which has the presence of water, and is where people can rest. Oasis is any place where you can enjoy calm and clothes, in addition to being a very...

Definition of Polyglot

Polyglot is the term given to individuals who can master four or more languages. Etymologically, the word polyglot originated from the Greek polúglōttos, and has a translation...

Meaning of Taking the Horse out of the Rain

"Take the horse out of the rain" or "Take the horse out of the rain" is a popular expression in Portuguese, which means giving up something, abandoning pretensions, losing illusions. When someone uses the...

Definition of Unfollow

Unfollow is a word in the English language and means “not to follow” in the literal translation to the Portuguese language. This foreign term is widely used in digital social networks, when someone...

Definition of Trojan Horse

Trojan Horse is one of the main symbols of the famous Trojan war, used as a strategy by the Greeks to defeat the Trojans. According to the story narrated in the work “Iliad” by Homer, the...

Communism and Socialism

Communism and socialism are economic and political structures that, despite having the same goals, are distinct from each other. Both doctrines are opposed to capitalism and seek to eliminate all...

Definition of Eradicate

Eradicate means to uproot, uproot. In the figurative sense, it means to eliminate, to cause its disappearance, to make it end completely, to destroy in totality. Eradicate a pest in...

What is Symmetry?

What is Symmetry?

What is Symmetry? In geometry, an object displays symmetrylooks the same after a transformation, ...

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What is Capitalism?

what is capitalism? O capitalism it is an economic system that works on the basis of the producti...

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What is the difference between England, UK and Great Britain?

Some notions of geography in Brazil are unknown to many Brazilians. Thus, the geography of other ...

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