Aftermath of World War II

THE Second World War it was a conflict that involved the main powers of the world, organized in two groups: the Allies and the Axis.

It was marked by the use of atomic bombs, concentration camps that decimated thousands of people and for the redefinition of the balance of world power.


  • Aftermath of World War II
  • Economic Consequences of World War II
  • Geopolitical consequences of World War II
    • Germany
    • Japan
  • Cold War
  • Consequences of World War II in Brazil

Aftermath of World War II

THE major consequence of WWII were the thousands of soldiers and civilians killed during the conflict. By some estimates, the war left 35 million wounded, with the highest number recorded in the Soviet Union (USSR), with 20 million dead.

Countries like Poland and Germany left more than 5 million dead. In Japan, around 1.5 million people died. In addition, an exorbitant number of 6 million Jews were killed on an industrial scale in the massacre that became known as Holocaust.

O extermination of the jews was part of a project to

hitler (1889-1945), called the Final Solution, which was nothing more than a Nazi plan to eliminate Jews from Europe, mainly through concentration camps.

Worldwide, it is estimated a total of 45 million deaths caused by WWII.

In 1945, the United Nations (UN) was created, bringing together several countries with the aim of signing the United Nations Charter. This letter allowed the organization to intervene in possible conflicts that could lead to wars. With that, its main function is to maintain world peace.

Economic Consequences of World War II

The conflict is estimated to have cost European coffers around 1 trillion and 385 billion dollars. Of the total, 21% came from the American coffers, 13% from the Soviet Union and 4% from Japan.

The investments of the governments of the countries involved in the conflict were directed towards the war, leaving other areas aside, which ended up generating intense social problems. Thus, these countries involved accumulated the most varied material losses. Mainly with regard to industrial production.

However, for the U.S, it can be said that the balance of the war was positive. He came out of the war strengthened economically, occupying an imperialist position. It was not attacked in any of the conflicts of World War II, therefore, it did not need to direct resources for its reconstruction.

Geopolitical consequences of World War II

As a result of World War II, new countries emerged and others had their borders changed.

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Portugal and Spain, until the mid-1950s, lived dictatorships, isolating themselves from international relations (Portugal, with Salazar and Spain, with Franco).

THE Austria becomes an independent country. In Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Yugoslavia and Hungary, the republican regime came into force.

Countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union, such as Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, come under the scope of Soviet influence. The other countries of the USSR, on the other hand, began to coexist with social democracy.


As a result of the war, Germany:

  • Democratized;
  • Disarmed;
  • Demilitarized; and
  • “De-Nazification” (abandoned the Nazi regime).

Nazi leaders were tried by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. Such trials lasted about nine months, sentencing some Nazis to death, fixed-term or life sentences.

The most significant and important officials for the Nazi regime were hanged and others sentenced to life imprisonment.

The country was divided into two parts:

  • German Democratic Republic (GDR): Known as Oriental Germany (capital in Bonn), with a socialist regime, influenced by the Soviet Union.
  • Federal Republic of Germany (RFA): Known as ocidental Germany (capital in Berlin), continued with the capitalist regime, influenced by the United States.

In the city of Berlin – socialist – the Berlin Wall, considered the symbol of the ideological division of the world.

Such a division made the country accommodate American and Soviet troops.


The country suffered strong consequences as a result of the war, such as:

  • The attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
  • Reduce your Armed Forces;
  • Recognize the independence of Korea;
  • Return the Kuril Islands to the USSR.

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