How Much Does a Neurosurgeon Make?

Medicine is one of the highest paid areas out there. This is no longer new to anyone. But you have to consider specializations to have a salary parameter.

One of the most highly paid areas in the area is without a doubt the neurosurgery, since this is an area that involves complex and delicate surgeries and that require a very thorough study about the human brain. For this reason, it is a promising and requested area.

In this case, we will bring insights on how much these professionals pocket per month. These are very flashy and interesting numbers. Check out:


  • How much does a neurosurgeon earn?
  • How much does a neurosurgery resident earn?
  • Neurosurgeon Salaries of Each Hospital
  • But after all, what does a neurosurgeon do?

How much does a neurosurgeon earn?

According to information from the website LoveMondays, the average salary for Neurosurgeons is R$ 45,419/monthly, with a variation of R$15,000 to R$144,000.

How much does a neurosurgery resident earn?

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The average salary for a resident physician is BRL 3,594/month. The salary can vary from R$2,000 to R$15,000. Information obtained through the LoveMondays website.

Neurosurgeon Salaries of Each Hospital

Also according to the website LoveMondays, a survey about the average salary neurosurgeons at each Hospital. Look:

  • Albert Einstein Hospital – Neurosurgeon BRL 31,637
  • Moinhos de Vento Hospital – Neurosurgeon BRL 144,000
  • Bethlehem Adventist Hospital – Neurosurgeon BRL 51,882
  • Professor Fernando Figueira Institute of Integral Medicine (IMIP) – Neurosurgeon BRL 40,000

But after all, what does a neurosurgeon do?

Contrary to what many people think, the neurosurgeon does not only perform surgery, he is also responsible for guiding the clinical treatment that includes prevention, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment of neurological diseases together with others professionals.

See too:

  • How much does a pediatrician earn?
  • How much does an Ophthalmologist earn?
  • How Much Does a Psychiatrist Make?

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