The origin of the Universe: Know the main theories and explanations

Everyone, one day, must have stopped to ask themselves: where did the entire Universe come from? And how did planet Earth come about? And human life, emerged from what? So many doubts have bothered many scholars who have sought explanations in the most diverse theories.

The understanding of how the world came about, known as cosmogony, has occupied the thinking of practically all civilizations. From a huge explosion to a superior being, the chances for the emergence of life are diverse.

However, to date, none has had scientific proof, even in the face of new scientific discoveries. Among the most accepted and least credible, check out the main theories and explanations for the origin of the Universe.


  • Big Bang Theory
  • Oscillating Universe Theory
  • Steady State Theory
  • Inflationary Theory
  • Looped quantum gravity
  • Theory M
  • Natural cosmological selection
  • creationist
  • panspermia
  • Abiogenesis
  • Higgs' Boson

Big Bang Theory

To date, it is the most accepted theory to explain the origin of the universe. According to her, about 13 billion years ago, the universe, including its galaxies and all matter, was dense, hot and concentrated in a single point.

A huge point, infinitely hot and, due to a disturbance, it ended up exploding. The Big Explosion or, Big Bang, would have happened between 13.3 and 13.9 billion years ago. After the explosion, the temperature dropped drastically, initiating the formation of matter.

This happened through the protons, electrons and other elements, which are well known today. The first atoms joined together in clouds of gases forming, then, stars and galaxies. An agglomeration of dust, gases and rocks would have formed the Earth.

The theory is scientifically believable due to Hubble telescope studies. By capturing the light of stars, the equipment can decipher how they were millions of years ago, in addition to identifying the speed at which they travel through galaxies.

Well, if they keep traveling and, like this, the galaxies keep moving, that means that, one day, they were much closer, doesn't it? The main scientists working on this hypothesis were Eintein, Lemaitre, Hubble and Friedman.

Oscillating Universe Theory

The hypothesis describes the universe as the last to appear after many that appeared in the past, after several contractions and explosions. Presented by Paul Steinhardt, the theory points to a collapse of the universe in on itself, marking its end.

Such a collapse is also known as a Big Crunch. From it, a new universe would be born.

Steady State Theory

As the name implies, the theory defended by Edward Milne states that the universe never came from an explosion and, much less, is in danger of collapsing and then being reborn. In other words, he refutes the idea of ​​Big Bang and Big Crunch.

According to this hypothesis, also called the Cosmological Principle, the universe has no beginning and no end. Milne claims that the data collected by observing an object millions of light years away is identical to that observed in the Milky Way at the same distance.

Some scholars added concepts to this theory, such as the Perfect Cosmological Principle. The explanation, in this case, would be that the universe has neither origin nor end because its matter has always existed. Their appearance, then, would be identical in space and time.

Inflationary Theory

The Cosmic Inflation Theory does not disprove the Big Bang Theory but complements it. Therefore, it is also widely accepted and receives several reasons. The hypothesis created by physicist Alan Guth tries to explain the origin of the universe from gravitational fields.

Such fields would have considerable strength, similar to that found near black holes. According to the theory, a single force would have split into four, known today as the fundamental forces of the universe: gravity, electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear.

Even with extremely short time, the initial impulse was extremely violent. So much so that the universe continues to expand, despite the delay of galaxies caused by the gravitational force.

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Looped quantum gravity

Another theory that tries to unite relativity and quantum mechanics. The hypothesis indicates that another universe existed before ours. Its emergence, too, was from a point that expanded to then shrink (just like the Big Bang).

Theory M

M Theory seeks to explain the Big Bang from Einstein's theory of gravitation and quantum mechanics. According to the hypothesis, there are other universes parallel to ours and the Great Explosion, then, would be the result of the clash between them.

And where does this come from? From the Theory of Superstrings, whose essence explains that matter is formed by microscopic strings that vibrate in time and space. Each vibration would then give rise to a particle.

Natural cosmological selection

Authored by Canadian physicist Lee Smolin, the theory points to the emergence of the universe from a black hole existing in another. The structure, by the way, is very similar to the one presented by the Big Bang Theory.

The hypothesis is also based on Darwin's evolutionary theories. From it, Smolin indicates that a “father” universe would give rise to several “son” universes, equal in their similarity.


The Creationist Theory is defended by all religions and mythologies. According to her, life was created by a superior entity and, therefore, refutes the idea of ​​evolution proposed by Darwin. Every religion has its explanation.

Christianity, Judaism and Islam they believe in God's creation of heaven, earth and living beings. In Greek mythology, first there was Chaos, and from it came Gaia (earth) and the gods who populated it. In Chinese belief, God was born from an egg and sacrificed himself to create life.


According to this theory, which emerged in Ancient Greece, life arose from primary microorganisms brought in by meteor showers that hit the planet billions of years ago.

Even in the face of evidence that indicates that elements found on Earth also make up other planets, the Panspermia Theory was discarded by science.

Chemical Evolution Theory (Spontaneous Generation)

The Theory of Chemical or Molecular Evolution states that life arose from the chemical evolution of inorganic compounds, originating organic molecules. From them emerged the simplest forms of life.


The hypothesis points out that, about 4 billion years ago, there were climate changes on Earth. From them, chemical reactions took place generating the first living beings. That is, life would have arisen from non-living matter.

Higgs' Boson

Its defender, Peter Higgs, claimed that an elementary particle would have emerged with the Big Bang and would be the explanation for the formation of mass. Even though it was defended in 1964, its proof only came in 2013.

Currently, such a particle is known as “the God-particle”, as it is the basis for the formation of the mass of other particles. In short, all the mass came from this particle originated by the Big Explosion.

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