Instituto Alemão Offers R$12,000 Scholarship for Brazilians

O handbag German Chancellor for Future Leaders has open registration for the 2019/2020 edition.

The project addresses research on world issues involving themes of politics, economics, media, administration or culture, with long-term proposals.

At the end of the program, participants will have the opportunity to present the results of their projects to German Chancellor Angela Merkel in person.

How to participate?

To participate, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Fluency in English or German;
  • Complete higher education;
  • Carry a letter of recommendation from a research mentor (this could be a professor or researcher or also an activist or prominent professional in your chosen field).

This mentor must be from Germany, as this will be a support and contact point, helping with the topic the participant chooses to research. For this reason, it is recommended to seek assistance on the program page, which has examples of past mentors and the model letter to get in touch.

Entries must be made by site from the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation, author of the initiative, until September 15th.

Check out some free courses
  • Free Online Inclusive Education Course
  • Free Online Toy Library and Learning Course
  • Free Online Math Games Course in Early Childhood Education
  • Free Online Pedagogical Cultural Workshops Course

The program will last for one year, with monthly assistance of approximately R$12,000 (Euro value converted into Real).

Events about scholarships in Germany in Brazil

Aimed at those interested in the scholarship offered in Germany, so that they clear their doubts, they will be held events in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre and Recife to explain how the steps of selection. If you are unable to attend in person, you can check out a webinar on June 28 at 1pm.

See registration dates and links:

Rio de Janeiro June 24th
Registration for the event on here

Porto Alegre June 25
Registration for the event on here

Recife June 26th
Registration for the event on here

São Paulo June 28
Registration for the event on here

Webinar June 28 at 1pm
Registration for the lecture on here

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