Messages for Children's Day: Check out some phrases for the date

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In Brazil, the Children's Day is celebrated on October 12th. This date was selected by federal deputy Galdino do Valle Filho. This in the year 1924. But, the commemorative date was only recognized in 1960, through an advertisement from the Johnson & Johnson.

This advertisement consisted of a partnership with the Estrela toy factory, which carried out the Robust Baby Week. Soon, its sales began to grow. Since then, Children's Day has been marked by delivering gifts to children.

There is also the universal children's day. According to the National Organization of the United Nations, commemorates in November 20th. This is a tribute to the approval of the Declaration of Children's Rights.

message for children's day

Check out some now messages for children's day:

No matter your age, release the child within you. Sing, play, smile to life. Being a child is the best thing in the world! God bless all children.

In the love of a child there is so much song to be born, affection and trust, will and reason for living. The child is the consecration of life. Happy Children's Day!

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The secret is to never stop being a child.

It teaches the child the way he should walk, and even when he is old he will not deviate from it. (Prov 22:6)

Child, the sweetness of living, the hope of a future to come. Child, an adult's dream, the joy it conveys to us.

"All great people were once children." (Little Prince)

May we learn a lesson from the children: everything is much simpler, we make it more complicated.

A child is the love objectified.

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Everyone has a happy child inside them, but few let it live.

In every child's eyes hides the secret of happiness. The world is an endless source of discovery and play, and her easy smile simplifies and illuminates everything.

A child is a future, a certainty of life and joy, but a child is also the mirror of each one of us, of what we were and what was lost in time.

May the children be happy and live the wonderful childhood intensely. And adults never let their inner child die; and sometimes set her free without fear of what the world will think.

urity, but also the hope for a better future. Because in every child today is a piece of the world tomorrow.

"What is done now with children is what they will do later with society."

"Love the children and you will never grow old."

"No one will ever get to the bottom of a child's laugh."

Children have their morning song, like birds.

Every child's heart is pure, it is the certainty that all men are born innocent.

In every step of a child, a possible advancement in humanity.

Children need to learn, but even more they need to play, experience adventures and discover the world for themselves.

We have to release the old childhood within us and go back to being a child.

Read too: October 12th - How did children's day come about and how to have fun on that day

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