What was Armed Peace?

Armed Peace was the name given to the period in which there were no armed clashes between the main European powers.

The term refers to the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a time when there was, in addition to an intense arms race, manufacturing of ammunition in increasing quantities and the adoption of compulsory military service by most of the continent's nations European.

Armed Peace - Summary

Since the last decades of the 19th century, Europe has experienced moments of tension. Several reasons made the European continent go through more than 40 years ofand latent conflicts.

The years leading up to First World War (1914–1918) were characterized by the absence of any armed conflict between the European powers.

The end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th was marked by imperialist disputes between countries on the European continent. During these years, there was an intense arms race.

Armaments made great advances in this period. They were, almost in their entirety, tested in the colonial territories, mainly those fixed in the continents African and Asian.

England and France adopted the weapons of war as a way to control conflicts in their places of domination.

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Already Germany and Italy participated in this war race with the intention of conquering new colonial domains.

The weapons of arms alone did not cause the First War, but the technological innovation they underwent, already pointed to the hostile environment that the European continent had become.

In the late nineteenth century, European countries formed alliances that divided their feuds.

In 1882 the triple alliance, made up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Germany and Italy. In 1907 the Triple Entente, integrated by England, Russia and France.

Such military alliances divided the European continent into two blocs signed by a military, political and economic pact.

Thus, for diplomatic purposes, both the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente protected their member countries against possible attacks.

It was in this context that Armed Peace was established, sustaining a diplomatic balance that could collapse at any moment.

Learn more at:

  • World War I Summary
  • Causes of the First World War
  • Aftermath of the First World War
  • The 29 Best World War I Films
  • Brazil in World War I

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