Christmas messages to friends and praise good company

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O Christmas it's a date that delights everyone and makes the end of the year better, as well as being a time for parties and celebration, it brings good energy and good feelings. Added to that, this is a time to hang out with those you like and celebrate the good times.

So we made a list of christmas messages to friends, with the aim of praising good friendships and companions, in order to show that this person is well remembered on the most special date. Check out:

Christmas messages to friends

This is the most magical time of year. The streets are clothed with light, the houses with peace and harmony, and the hearts with generosity.
Mine overflows with joy, not just because it's Christmas. But because I have the best friends in the world.
I want to wish you all the best of the best. May all your wishes come true and happiness reigns in your lives.
Merry Christmas my friends!

Another Christmas has arrived and I feel grateful and full to have you by my side! Days like these are even more special because I have you by my side! A very affectionate Christmas to you!

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Merry Christmas, friends! I wish that there is no lack of joy, peace and health in this time so magical and full of colors, lights and loves. You are wonderful human beings and you deserve a dazzling Christmas.
I am so happy to share my life with people like you. Our friendship is honest, pure and full of exciting adventures. May this Christmas bring renewed happiness to each one of us. Happy Holidays!

My special request to you this Christmas are good vibes, joy and love fill your heart so that good things are always welcome in our lives!

It's Christmas, friends! Let's enjoy every moment of this magical time and celebrate the friendship that unites us. You are special people that I will carry forever in my heart.
This date makes you reflect, think, imagine. This date is beautiful and profound and deserves to be lived with great intensity. You are the reason for my joy and represent everything that I think is important in this world. Merry Christmas, friends!

My friend, never forget that God always has plans for our lives. And that He only puts in our way obstacles that we are able to overcome.
This Christmas, thank God for all the good and bad that happened to you, think positive thoughts and stay close to the people you love!
I know this year was not easy for you, but enjoy the good energies of Christmas to strengthen, to be cherished and receive God's blessings.
I wish, from the bottom of my heart, that your Christmas will be full of love and peace. I also hope that his New Year brings many good things and many achievements.
Happy Holidays, my beloved friend! A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year from the very first second!

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Friend, I hope that in this time of peace and love we can renew our friendship, complicity, partnership and all the other things that make us inseparable. I wish you and your dear family a Merry Christmas!

Christmas is a time to bring the family together and celebrate with joy and peace, without forgetting the good friends who are our second family.
To everyone, far or near, I wish you a Merry Christmas! May Santa Claus bring many gifts for everyone, and Baby Jesus fill your hearts with love and happiness.
May everyone's house be filled with laughter and harmony, and that there are no unfulfilled wishes. Happy Holidays, friends! And may our friendship last for many, many Christmases.

Friend, this year I sent a letter to Santa Claus asking to have my friends close to me this Christmas! So, if he shows up at your house wanting to pack you up, don't worry and collaborate!

Another year comes to an end, once again the Christmas spirit arrives to soften our days, and bring brightness and joy to our lives.
We are grateful and happy for having lived longer this year, and for having the opportunity to learn and grow, as professionals and as people.
Our special request for the coming year is that the energy and the good vibes fill our hearts with the love of Christmas, and always remain in our lives. After all, Christmas is whenever we want.
Have a very happy Christmas and a fulfilling New Year! Much success, peace, love and health to all.

You are my great companion in life. We always overcome obstacles together and reach out to help. Glad I had the privilege of meeting you! That's why on this special night I wish your heart to overflow with love and joy!!! Merry Christmas!

The friendship that unites us is huge, friends, and that's why I wish everyone to spend a magical Christmas full of joy, love and good health. Happy holidays to everyone!
And that we get together for a special celebration. Christmas is family, it is reflection and it is also friendship.
And it is with each one of you that I intend to live moments of this remarkable date. I want them to feel happy and proud of what they accomplished throughout the year. Merry Christmas!

Christmas is not only a family time, but also friends since you are part of my family! I wish that we are all united at this time even if it is not in physical presence, but together in the feeling of friendship and love. Merry Christmas, my dear friends.

See too:

  • Merry Christmas phrases
  • Christmas messages to family, friends and customers
  • Religious Christmas messages to share with friends and family

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