14 Best Horror Movies of All Time

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The film series was a huge success, debuting in 1980. In the film's plot, it shows Jason Voorhess, a serial killer. The story's success was such that it originated a television series and two horror games.

Stephen King's classic tells the story of Carrie, a teenager with paranormal powers. She shows this ability to colleagues and her mother who always humiliated her. Despite being old, the movie still manages to leave you with that shiver down your spine.

Another version appeared in 2013, but was not as successful as the original, released in 1976.

This psychological terror tells the story of a family who had to live near a forest because they were expelled from a village with beliefs different from their own. The film has a different proposal from the most known clichés.

The success of Mortal Games was so great that it ended up becoming a franchise, with seven features and one short film. The context revolves around a terminally ill person who kidnaps people, chosen because they have a wrong life. The series entered the Guinness Book like “The series of most successful horror movies“.

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O spin off of Evil Summon 2 also joins our list. The film's context revolves around a nun who commits suicide while imprisoned in a convent in Romania.

A priest and a novice are sent to investigate the case and confront the demonic nun who turns the convent into a battleground.

Also considered a spin off of Invocation of Evil, the film tells the story of the demonic doll.

In the film, a couple prepares for the arrival of a daughter and, therefore, they buy a doll. Until the house is invaded by members of a demonic sect and the doll becomes a recipient of evil spirits. The story is based on real facts.

The first film in the trilogy was directed by Steven Spielberg and tells the story of Carol Anne, daughter of a suburban family who started talking to "The People of Television". The child is kidnapped by these people and the family does everything to try to bring the girl back.

The film tells the story of three film students who, to complete the course, need to present a project. In this case, a documentary about the Blair Witch. The film was a record-breaking profit, as $50,000 was spent for a $249 million return at the worldwide box office.

A second curious fact about the film is that the actors were left in the forest without much guidance, and could only communicate with the production through tickets. This gave it a truer look, which made the film even more terrifying.

The independent film grossed over $30 million and became known as one of the best horror movies in cinema history. In fact, the feature became a reference for other films of the genre, until today.

For having extremely violent scenes, the film was banned in several countries.

The film, which is based on true events, tells the story of a family that moves to a house where the previous family was allegedly murdered by their own son. In about 28 days in the house, the family reported facts to which the house would be considered cursed.

In 2005, there was a remake of the movie, which was not as successful as the original.

Based on true events, the film tells the story of a family that moves to a house cursed by a witch, who sacrificed her son to the devil at just a week old.

In addition, the production of the film had terrifying facts, such as a dog that faced an empty corner with a lot of barking and only stopped when it followed with its head something moving in the room. Nobody saw anything.

The film contains one of the best known horror movie characters, Samara. She scared people over the phone after watching a VHS tape. The feature is also a reference for current horror movies.

The film tells the story of seven teenagers who make up the self-titled group as “Loser's Club”, in other words, the losers' club.

The city's routine changes when children start to disappear and only parts of their bodies are found. That's when Loser’s Club members come face to face with the clown Pennywise, who is responsible for the crimes.

The film set the record for most watched horror film.

One of the horror classics, it was released in 1973 and still manages to terrify those who watch it. He was one of the first inspirations for horror films and was the first of the genre to be nominated for an Oscar for best picture.

The story was based on an article published in a newspaper, which told the story of a boy who was trapped in the devil's claws.


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