How much does a professional makeup artist earn? Salary and Assignments

A makeup artist ensures that models, artists and presenters have makeup suitable for appearing on camera or in front of an audience.

You can work in a variety of areas including:

  • films
  • theater
  • photography
  • television
  • general public

The work involves creating images and characters through makeup, hairstyles and prosthetics.

In the role, you'll interpret clients' makeup requirements to produce a creative and technically accurate visual representation.

This can involve very basic preparation for a TV presenter, to more complex compositions or special effects.


Responsibilities depend on whether you work alone, as an assistant to a more experienced colleague, or as part of a makeup design team.

Working as a makeup artist, you can find yourself:

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  • communicating with clients to clarify visual requirements.
  • read scripts to verify required materials and appearance, budgetary implications, and identify areas where research is needed.
  • producing and designing design ideas for hairstyles and makeup.
  • ensuring continuity in hair and makeup; and liaising with other members of the design team to ensure the overall look/effect is consistent and coherent.
  • demonstrate and implement a practical understanding of lighting, the photographic process, colors and the impact of special effects/makeup processes on the skin.
  • Ensure that adequate measures are taken to minimize unpleasant side effects arising from the use of specialized makeup/hairdressing techniques.
  • maintain awareness of health, safety and legal issues.
  • fitting and maintenance of wigs, hairpieces and prostheses.
  • keeping up to date with the makeup and beauty products available.
  • Supply, budgeting and ordering of materials and equipment from specialized suppliers.
  • time management – ​​knowing how long a customer will take to be serviced.
  • working quickly and accurately under pressure conditions.
  • taking detailed notes and photographs of work to keep an up-to-date work portfolio.


Professionals receive salaries that vary widely. Some get paid for a day of editorial work. Others are monthly paid to large companies. According to the website LoveMondays, the average salary is R$2,790 a month.

For fashion shows, makeup artists can earn more than R$ 1000 per day for an event like São Paulo Fashion Week, but around R$250 for other events, such as professional makeup for weddings (by people).

Industry-recommended minimum fees for film and television work are set out in union agreements.

Many makeup artists initially work for free or for a small fee in low-budget productions or editorial sessions to build a record of work and gain experience.

Most makeup artists are self-employed or freelance. Freelancing is often an essential prerequisite for the very limited number of permanent jobs. Professionals are hired for projects, either directly or through an agent.

Rates are negotiable and individuals who are well regarded in the industry are in high demand and are paid well above the rates listed.

Income data is a guide only.

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