Zebra (Genus Equus)

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Kingdom animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Perissodactyla
Family Equity
Gender Equus

Zebras are animals belonging to the genus Equus, represented by the gravyi's zebra (equus grevyi), plains zebra (AND. quagga), and mountain zebras (AND. zebra zebra and AND. hartmann's zebra). As for the conservation status, they are, respectively, in danger, minimal risk and vulnerable (the last two), according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN.

They are found, of course, in Africa, from the Sahara to Rhodesia. They live in groups of approximately twenty individuals, usually with a single adult male. They feed on vegetables and coexist peacefully with other animals such as wildebeest, buffalo and ostrich. Its main predators are lions, hyenas and crocodiles.

They can reach more than two meters in length, one and a half in height and two hundred kilos. They are hoofed animals, with a white body with black stripes, which present with distinct features in each individual. This feature is quite advantageous, as it helps to identify the individuals in the flock; and it hinders predators from distinguishing a single animal when potential prey is in a pack, and confuses its location when an individual is running. In this regard, such animals run considerably well, being able to reach 60km/h of speed; and, in extreme cases, they can kick in order to defend themselves.

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Each gestation lasts an average of one year, giving rise to a single offspring, most of the time. The stripes darken until they reach adulthood and over the years begin to lighten. Life expectancy is thirty years.

THE quagga equus, also called, scientifically, of Equus burchellii, is the most common species, being generally the one we usually find in zoos.


Zebras are white with black stripes. Proof of this is that many of them are born completely white and, over time, their black streaks appear.

Some animals in the genus Equus do not have stripes and are therefore not considered to be zebras.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

ARAGUAIA, Mariana. "Zebra (Genus Equus)"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/animais/zebra.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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