Myth or Truth: Does okra help with diabetes treatment?

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Recently, several programs and websites have been reporting on okra benefits for people who have diabetes. However, there is no scientific evidence that such a fact is reality.

The problem arose after a certain TV program showed a work by a group of students who related okra to a possible improvement in diabetes. According to students, okra reduced blood glucose levels. From there, a shower of recipes appeared on the internet, promising an immediate and completely natural solution to diabetes.

O diabetes mellitus is characterized by a group of disturbances in glucose metabolism, which can occur in response to a absence of insulin production or due to a reduction in tissue sensitivity to hormone. It can generate several vascular and neurological complications, and it is essential that the treatment is done properly and with medical supervision.

We can classify diabetes mellitus into four classes: type 1, type 2, gestational and other specific types. The most common subtype is type 2, accounting for about 90% of cases. The disease can result in blindness, kidney failure, myocardial infarction, stroke, impotence, and there are several reports of patients who had their limbs amputated in consequence of it.

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So far, we know that the proper diet, a weight loss and regular exercise are extremely beneficial. Regarding the diet, it is of fundamental importance that the diabetic has an adequate diet so that the glycemic levels are kept balanced. Therefore, it is essential that the patient look for a nutritionist to guide him correctly.

It is important that you who have the disease continue to take the medicine, following the recommendations from your doctor and avoiding the use of alternative therapies that have no evidence scientific. Although there is no cure, if treated correctly, the patient with diabetes mellitus can have a relatively normal quality of life.

As it is a disease that can have complications, the Brazilian Society of Diabetes released a note to explain the reason for not recommending the use of okra for treatment. Click here and see the position of the Brazilian Society of Diabetes on the subject!
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Myth or truth: does okra help in the treatment of diabetes?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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