The Virgin Mary and Islam

The Qur'an has a whole surah about the Virgin Mary exalting her figure as the mother of the Prophet Jesus. Says the Angel Gabriel to Mary:

“I am Your Lord's messenger. And Your Lord said that giving you a son without relating to a man is very easy for Him (GOD), who says: - We will make him (of the boy) a Sign and a Divine Grace”.

Thus ended the dialogue between the “Holy Spirit” and the Virgin Mary. "The angels said: O Mary, God has chosen you and purified you and raised you above the women of the world. O Mary consecrate yourself to your Lord, bow down and prostrate yourself with the praying ones." Qur'an 3:42,43 23.

“Mary conceived Jesus with a Divine breath. Thus says the Holy Qur'an: Mary was pure (chaste), We (God) breathed into her from Our Spirit”. Quran 66: 12 32. So God infused Mary with a breath of His Spirit.

Muslims pay great devotion to the Virgin Mary, even calling her "Immaculate." The Angel Gabriel, messenger of Allah, through the voice of the Prophet Mohammed (Muhammad), clothes the Immaculate Mother of Jesus with the peculiarities of holiness. In fact, She was the only woman, named in the Qur'an, thirty-four times. The Virgin Mary is considered the most perfect woman, the perfect example of the woman's role. Islam accepts that it became pregnant a virgin and that Jesus was conceived through divine intercession.

Islam and Christianity are linked by the great devotion to the Virgin Mary, expressed in the Koran itself (Máriam-19th Sura). The Qur'anic Jesus is Seyydna Isa Ibn Máriam, which means, Jesus, son of Mary. The angels said: - “O Mary! God announced to you a Word, emanating from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary; he will be illustrious in this life and in the next, and he will count among the dear ones of God. He will speak to men in the cradle as well as in maturity, and he will be among the virtuous”. (AAL’IMRAN – 3rd Sura- 45, 46).
The Virgin Mary is considered, by some Sufis (Muslims who maintain perfect communion with Allah), the Mother-Wisdom, the mother of Prophecy and of all Prophets; that is why Islam calls it siddigah (the sincere), identifying it with Wisdom, with Holiness, with Sincerity and with the total agreement with the Truth.

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Mariam is inviolable purity and divine fecundation; an abundance of graces, and irrefutably personifies femininity, purity, beauty and heavenly mercy, She is mentioned in the Sura of the prophets (ALAN-BIYÁ- 21st Sura, aya 91), together with other Messengers-Sayyaidatã Maryam her dignity prophetic.

Islam intrinsically associates Jesus with the Virgin Mary and becomes Jesus with the Virgin Mary and becomes clear this association by the way the Quran presents it, saying that Jesus was the Message of the Virgin Blessed one. In the Koran, Jesus is mentioned twenty-five times, either as the son of Mary, or the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary. But, the Messiah, son of Mary, is just a Prophet (Koran 5.75), among the others, he is one sent by God (3.49), he is a servant of God. Mary, mother of Jesus, is the only woman the Koran calls her by name. No woman among all is mentioned by name in the Holy Book of Muslims, except Mary, mother of Jesus! Neither Muhammad's mother nor his wife or daughters are named in the Qur'an, yet the mother of Jesus Christ is mentioned more than thirty (30) times!

Among the precepts of Islam, which Muslims still fervently observe to this day, is the considerate treatment of mothers. The honor that Muslim mothers receive from their sons and daughters is exemplary. The affectionate relationships between Muslim mothers and their children, and the deep respect with which men approach their mothers, is both admirable and sacred.

Ref: The Quran-translation Mansour Challita

Amelia Hamze
[email protected]
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