Rituals. Ritual Practices

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The word ritual is derived from the Latin Ritualis. These are actions related to mysticism and religion, which can be practiced individually or not. It can be ceremonial, when there is a need for preparation regarding the place, clothing, materials and instruments used; or psychic, when it is intended to interfere and/or transform something in the physical world.

Ceremonial rituals are those that are normally used at weddings, christenings, wakes, graduations and others. Psychic rituals are used to trigger or block supernatural energies and/or forces, create, alter and even unleash natural forces. For this, some key tools are used to make the ritual work, such as:

Circle: Used in magic and healing rituals to create energy that penetrates space and empowers itself. The circle also defines the consecrated space, being of great importance to erase it at the end of the spell, together with a psychic cleaning to avoid phenomena such as the poltergeist.

Words: as we already know, the words we speak have power and for a ritual to work in the way expected everything you want must be said, but it is worth remembering the risks when uttering certain words.

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Hands: the hand you write with is used to perform the ritual, that is, the right-hander performs the ritual with his hand right while the left-handed performs the ritual with the left hand, as the hand used to write liberates power.

Some instruments that serve as a protection aid are also used, such as:

Athame: it is a short sword that has the function of separating the holy from the profane and the real from the astral.

Cup: its function is to represent the lunar power, which may contain water or wine.

Staff: must be made of wood, linked to the symbolism of its owner, performing the function of tracing the circle of protection.

Broom: Used to undo the circle and also to clean before and after the ritual.

Cauldron: symbolizes the uterus of the goddess and serves to concentrate energy and generate transformations.

Candles: are used to represent the fire element and also the guardians.

Salt: of extreme importance, it serves to clean the supernatural environment and to protect.

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

DANTAS, Gabriela Cabral da Silva. "Rituals"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/religiao/rituais.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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