Latest Meanings (106)

Definition of City-State

City-State is a city, an independent place, which has its own government. The city-state is a city within another city, where it survives regardless of where it is located, with its...

Definition of Babylon

Babylon was the name of the capital of Sumer, in ancient Mesopotamia, which is now Iraq. Babylon means "Gate of God", the Jews, however, say it is a term of Hebrew origin, which...

Meaning of Social Security

Social security consists of a set of actions and social policies that aim to promote the establishment of a more egalitarian and just society, helping citizens and their families in determined...

Definition of hierarchical level

Hierarchical level is a scale that ranks placements that go from the lowest to the highest level. It can represent hierarchies, degrees or positions and is used for numerous...

Budget Meaning

Budget is the name given to the speculative evaluation or calculation of the cost of a work or service to be provided. The definition of a budget usually takes into account two main ones...

Meaning of Interest

Interest is the income you get when you borrow money for a certain period. Interest is for the creditor (the one who has something to receive) a compensation for the time he will not use the...

Definition of Masters

A master's degree is an academic degree received by an individual and awarded by an institution of higher education, usually a university. The Masters is considered a strict postgraduate course...

meaning of MC

MC is an acronym for Master of Ceremonies, which is pronounced "eme ci". An MC can be an artist who works in the musical field or can be the presenter of a certain event that is not necessarily...

Definition of Capital Goods

Capital goods or production goods are the equipment, facilities, goods or services necessary for the production of other goods or services. The capital good is not directly incorporated in the...

Definition of Baptist Church

Baptist Church is a denomination included in Christianity, which has as one of the main doctrines the baptism of teenagers and adults. This Church has this denomination thanks to John the Baptist, who...

Definition of Kpi

KPI is the acronym that corresponds to Key Performance Indicator, a management technique known in Portuguese as Key Performance Indicator. KPIs facilitate the transmission of the vision and mission of a...

Meaning of X9

X9 means stubborn, gossiper, whistleblower, big-tongued among others. This expression originated in American comic books, first published in newspaper strips, in 1934. Detective X-9 was a...

Definition of freedom of expression

Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right that guarantees the expression of opinions, ideas and thoughts without retaliation or censorship by governments, private or public bodies, or...

Definition of Private Property

Private property is a right that gives its holder different powers such as using, enjoying and disposing of a particular movable or immovable property. However, this right cannot be exercised unlimitedly,...

meaning of SOS

SOS is the universal distress code, used as a message to alert you when someone is in a life-threatening situation and needs help as soon as possible. What many people don't know...

Popular Meanings (279)

Definition of FrequencyFrequency is the act of attending or repeating, that is, going to a certai...

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Latest Meanings (279)

Definition of AndrogyneAndrogynous is an adjective that refers to what has both male and female c...

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Popular Meanings (282)

Definition of city of birthCity of birth is the indication of the name of the city where a person...

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