Ischemia is a medical term that means a deficiency or absence of blood supply and, consequently, of oxygen, in a certain tissue or organ. The word "ischemia" comes from the Greek "ischaimos",...
A euphemism is a figure of speech that occurs when one word or expression is used in place of another in order to make the communication of the message to be conveyed lighter. This replacement...
Butterfly is a flying insect, which has two pairs of wings. These are all winged insects of the diurnal Lepidoptera family. They are found in nature in many colors and sizes. Butterflies if...
Pandora is a character from Greek mythology and can also be a musical instrument. According to etymology, the word pandora is formed by pan which means "all or all" and doron, which means "gift or...
Hypoxia means decreased oxygen supply or low oxygen concentration in tissues. The word "hypoxia" comes from the Greek "hypos" = little, scarce + "oxis", which indicates that the word if...
Affection is someone's disposition for something, whether positive or negative. It is from the built affection that emotions or feelings are shown. One can have affection for something, a person, an object,...
MC is an acronym for Master of Ceremonies, which is pronounced "eme ci". An MC can be an artist who works in the musical field or can be the presenter of a certain event that is not necessarily...
Prologue is a text or warning, usually brief, that precedes a written work and is intended to present it to the reader. From the Greek "prologs" meaning "preliminary writing". Prologue is...
Mnemonic is a set of techniques used to aid the memorization process. It consists in the elaboration of supports such as diagrams, graphics, symbols, words or phrases related to the...
Theocratic state is a country or nation that has a system of government that submits to the norms of a specific religion. The rules that govern political, legal, moral conduct and...
Guardianship is the right that an authority receives to look after an underage individual. Guardianship is to provide support, protection and assistance, and this is what happens when children are orphaned, or have no parents...
Corporate name is the name and signature by which a commercial company is known, whether it is a limited liability company or a joint-stock company. Also called business firm, corporate name and name...
Believer is a word originating from the Latin term credens which means that you believe. A believer is that individual who believes in something. Popularly, it is said that a person who believes in a naive way is a believer...
Epidemic is the spread of an infectious disease, which appears quickly in a certain location or in large regions and at the same time attacks a large number of people. Viruses, bacteria or others...
Guidelines are guidelines, guides, directions. These are lines that define and regulate a path or path to follow. Guidelines are instructions or indications to establish a plan, an action, a...