Why doesn't zero exist in Roman numbers?

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The numbers created by the Romans were related to letters, unlike other peoples who created symbols in the numerical representation of numbers. You Roman numbers used the letters I, V, X, L, C, D, M in the representation of the following values: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, respectively. The interesting thing about this numbering system is the absence of a letter related to the number zero. However, in creating this numbering system, the Romans were not interested in performing calculations. They simply wanted representative numbers for determining quantities, such as counting objects, animals, weapons and so on. The numerical representation adopted by the Romans was for many centuries the most used throughout Europe.

With the development of commercial expansion, the use of mathematical calculations became a primary issue. It was at this time that the Roman numbers were questioned due to the absence of zero and the representation of values ​​by letters. These main features of the Roman numeral system made it difficult to develop effective mathematical techniques. Some Roman scholars tried to relate the number system to the use of the abacus, but the operative means required complex knowledge.

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Arabic and a new number system

The digit zero, absent in the Roman numeral system, had been discovered by the hindu people, as well as a new numbering system similar to the one currently used. This system consisted of a decimal base (ten digits) which, ordered among themselves, formed and represented any number. The system created by the Hindus was disseminated throughout Europe by the Arabs and became known as Indo-Arabic numbering system. These numbers made an important contribution to the modernization of mathematical calculations due to their symbolic practicality and representation of quantities.

Today, Roman numerals are used to represent the names of popes and kings, centuries, street names, clock markings, book chapters, etc.
by Mark Noah
Graduated in Mathematics

Curiosities - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/como-se-escreve-o-zero-na-escrita-romana.htm


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