English compound nouns

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Combining two or more words, we can form the Compound Nouns, that once, are made in three ways: written as separate words (full moon), the words linked by the hyphen (dry-cleaning) and asone word (toothpaste). / By combining two or more words, we can form compound nouns, which in turn are made up of three ways: written as separate words (full moon), as hyphenated words (dry-cleaning) and as a single word (toothpaste).

The Compound Nouns are very common in English Language and frequently new combinations are invented. Normally, they havetwo parts: the first one tells us what it is, what kind of object or person they are talking about, or why it exist, its purpose, and the second one is responsible for corrupted the object or person in question. Most of the time the Compound Nouns have a different meaning from the two separate words. / Compound nouns are very common in the English language and often new combinations are invented. Usually they have two parts: the first tells us what it is, what the object type is, or person, or why it exists, and the second part is responsible for identifying the object or person in question. Most of the time, compound nouns have a different meaning than the meanings of the two words that form them separately.

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Let's see some examples: / Let's see some examples:

First part / First part

snow / Snow
girl / Girl
Basket / Basket
Butter / Butter
Cup / Cup
Police / Police

Second part / Second part

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Man / Man
friend / Friend friend
Ball / Ball
Fly / Fly
Cake / Cake
Man /Man

Compound Nouns / Compound Nouns

snowman / Snowman
girlfriend / Girlfriend
basketball / Basketball
butterfly / Butterfly
Cupcake / Mug Cake
policeman / Police officer

We can form the Compound Nouns with diverse elements, such as verb, adverb, noun and adjective. Look at some types of combinations and examples of Compound Nouns: / We can form compound nouns with different elements, such as verbs, adverbs, nouns and adjectives. See some types of combinations and examples of compound nouns:

Elements and Examples: / Elements and Examples:

noun (bed) + noun (room) = bedroom
Noun + Noun = fourth

noun (rain) + Verb (fall) = rainfall
Noun + verb = torrential rain / strong

noun (passer) + Adverb (by) = pass-by
Noun + Adverb = Passerby

Verb (washing) + noun (machine) = washing machine
Verb + Noun = washing machine

Verb (draw) + Adverb (back) = drawback
Verb + Adverb = indentation

Adverb (under) + noun (ground) = underground
Adverb + Noun = Underground

Adjective (high) + Verb (light) = highlight
Adjective + Verb = highlight

Adjective (full) + noun (moon) = full moon
Adjective + Noun = Full Moon

By Janaína Mourão
Graduated in Letters - Physics

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MOURãO, Janaína Pereira. "English compound nouns"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/ingles/substantivos-compostos-ingles.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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