Arguments in favor of transgenics

Transgenics, or genetically modified organisms (GMO), are produced, in the laboratory, from the introduction of genes from other species, in order to attribute to them characteristics that could not be incorporated naturally, or by selection artificial. Theme of a lot of discussion nowadays, much is criticized and praised regarding the application of these individuals.
Considering this aspect, some arguments used by the defenders of transgenics will be pointed out. However, regardless of the point of view, it is a fact that more studies must be done so that we know the real impacts of the introduction of these organisms in nature and in our daily lives.
According to this line:
- GMOs can increase food production, providing cheaper nutritional sources for the world population;
- Has the potential to end problems related to malnutrition;
- The production can be more economical, since more resistant and durable organisms can be developed;
- Transgenic vegetable plantations may require less amount of pesticides, water and agricultural machinery, harming the environment in a reduced way;

- Possibility of developing more nutritious foods, improving the population's health;
- Creation of organisms capable of producing substances useful for human health, such as vitamins, antibodies and medicines;
- Use of enzymes from genetically modified bacteria in soap powder, which can degrade fat from fabrics and not damage them during the washing process;
- Genetically modified forages could reduce the emission of methane gas by the cattle herd;
- Organisms with tolerance to biotic and abiotic pressures;
- Possibility of using “unproductive” land, such as those with a high salt content or with few nutrients.
To conclude, a phrase by researcher Alda Lerayer: “Transgenics are nothing more than the evolution of ancient techniques”.
Is that you? What do you think about transgenics?

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By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

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ARAGUAIA, Mariana. "Arguments in favor of transgenics"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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