Expressions in Latin (5)

Definition of Quo vadis

Quo vadis is a Latin expression meaning “Where are you going? ” in Latin. The expression appears in the Bible at John 16:5, where Jesus Christ says, "Now that I go to him who sent me, none of...

Definition of Vade Mecum

Vade mecum is a Latin expression that means "go with me". It is the name given to a book for references, widely used in the area of ​​legal science, but which also exists in other areas. THE...

Definition of Carpe diem

Carpe diem is a Latin expression that means "enjoy the day". This is the literal translation and does not mean to enjoy a specific day, but to make the most of the now, to enjoy the present. O...

meaning of locus

Locus is a Latin word that literally means "place", "position" or "place". This term can be used in different senses and for different areas, such as psychology, genetics,...

Quorum meaning

Quorum is the term given to the minimum number of people necessary for a session or deliberation to be valid. The word came up in a British court called "Justices of the quorum", where the...

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Portuguese language (33)

What is news?News is any type of information that presents a new and recent event or that spreads...

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Portuguese language (34)

meaning of sarcasmSarcasm is a figure of speech used to affront or offend someone, or a group. In...

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Popular Meanings (32)

meaning of coxinhaCoxinha is a pejorative term used in slang and is used to describe a person who...

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