Politics and Citizenship (7)

Definition of Ethics and Citizenship

Ethics and citizenship are two key concepts in human society. Ethics and citizenship are related to the attitudes of individuals and the way they interact with each other in society...

Definition of Environmental Hygiene

Environmental hygiene is a concept related to the preservation of the sanitary conditions of the environment in order to prevent it from harming human health. In this way, environmental hygiene...


Socialism is a political and economic doctrine that emerged at the end of the 18th century and is characterized by by the idea of ​​transforming society by limiting the right to private property, of...

meaning of racism

Racism is social discrimination based on the concept that there are different human races and that one is superior to the others. This notion is based on different motivations, especially the...

Definition of Nationality

Nationality is the condition of a citizen who belongs to a particular nation with which he identifies. It is the quality of what is national, which is proper to the nation, the homeland. One of the synonyms for...

Definition of plebiscite

A plebiscite is a popular manifestation expressed through a vote, which occurs when there is a matter of political or social interest. In Ancient Rome, the plebiscite was the law decreed by the Roman people...

meaning of political act

Political act means governmental act, and is practiced by political agents in the performance of executive, legislative and judicial functions, in accordance with the competence established in the...

Legal Amazon

Legal Amazon is the name given by the Brazilian government to a specific area of ​​the Forest Amazon, belonging to Brazil, and covering nine states: Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima...

Definition of Amazon International

The International Amazon is a term used to refer to the northern region of South America, where the Amazon Forest is located, which covers a total area of ​​7 million km 2...

Meaning of Social Hierarchy

Social hierarchy is the levels and positions of each individual within a society. The social hierarchy causes people to be divided into groups, according to a structure, between classes...

Definition of Demagoguery

Demagoguery is a term of Greek origin that means "art or power to lead the people". It is a form of political action in which there is a clear interest in manipulating or pleasing the popular mass, including...

meaning of tyranny

The meaning of tyranny is related to oppression, cruelty and abuse of power. It is a term that originates from the Greek word "turannos" which in classical Greece designated an illegitimate government, that is,...

Definition of Oligarchy

Oligarchy is a term that originates from the Greek word "oligarkhía" whose literal meaning is " government of the few” and which designates a political system in which power is concentrated in a little...

Definition of income tax

Income tax means the annual amount deducted from the worker's or company's income and delivered to the federal government, with the discount percentage set by the government of each country where is...

What is Policy?

Politics is the activity of governance, the State and power relations and also an art of negotiation to reconcile interests. The concept of politics comes from the Greek politikós, a...

Portuguese language (8)

Meaning of RepercussionRepercussion is the consequence or effect of a certain action or situation...

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Portuguese language (3)

famous metaphorsA metaphor is a figure of speech in which words or expressions are used in a diff...

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Popular Meanings (10)

meaning of virtueVirtue is a moral quality, a positive attribute of an individual. Virtue is an i...

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