Fires in the Amazon: causes, consequences, data

At burned in the Amazon had its origin linked to economic practices developed in the region, motivated by the Brazilian political scenario and no control by government entities. Its growth takes place from the 1930s onwards, becoming more intense after the 1970s.

Agriculture and livestock are the main drivers of the process, as they are activities that require large areas of land to take place, so it is understood that deforestation is necessary and is linked to the process of burning in the region. The effects of deforestation and consequent fires are many, the climate change and biodiversity loss are the most worrying and with the greatest impact in the region.

Read more: Anthropogenic actions - environmental impacts caused by human beings

Historical context and origin of fires

Fires in the Amazon Forest.
Fires in the Amazon Forest.

The origin of burning in the Amazon began with the advance of national agricultural frontier, which expanded the areas of production and use of the Brazilian territory. Some government policies contributed

for this process, like the March to the OThis one, implemented in the government of Getúlio Vargas, from 1930. This policy contributed to the population of the regions Nhell and Çenter-OThis one, with the emergence of cities, the opening of roads and the economic development of these regions, thus favoring the greater occurrence of the practice of burning.

At the government of Juscelino Kubitschek, in 1956, the Plan of Goals also contributed to the process, being the first step towards industrialization from all areas of the country and for foreign capital investment, being carried out in the military government. The creation of the Industrial Pole of Manaus (1967) was the fact that had the greatest impact on the Amazon region, as for the industry to function, raw material, energy and resources are needed, and the Amazon region has a lot of resources available.

With the removal of vegetation cover, both for the advancement of industry, and for the advancement of the agricultural frontier of the region and settlement, the Amazon has suffered, over the years, from the increase in fires. Currently, such focuses are monitored and can be controlled by the applicability of environmental public policies, capable of proposing solutions to such problems.

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Deforestation and fires

O dslaying and the burnings are human practices closely linked and consequent upon each other. In general, it is understood that, when the vegetation cover is removed, there are fires, as smaller plants are burned to use the larger wood. In the case of the Amazon, this logic is applied.

O use of wood as a raw material (from industry and construction) and how power supply, and being associated with the burning technique, it is something common. Currently, large areas of the main biomes of the world suffer these actions unrestrainedly, as is the case of tropical and equatorial forests (such as the Amazon and the thick). The Amazon Forest has been suffering from these actions aggressively in recent years.

Deforestation and burning of the Amazon Forest.
Deforestation and burning of the Amazon Forest.

The advance of the agricultural and livestock frontier in these forest areas is the main reason for carrying out these activities. First occurs the plant extraction, removing the wood that will be used, and then there is the fire practice, as a way to eliminate shrubs and grasses that are not suitable for the agriculture.

See too: Environmental impacts caused by agribusiness in Brazil

Causes of fires in the Amazon

In recent years, fires in the Amazon region have gained greater prominence, as it is about hundreds of thousands of fires a year, and the motivations for such an act are quite diversified. Three central reasons for carrying out fires in the Amazon stand out.

The first reason concerns the realization of fires linked to deforestation. The vegetation considered good for use in other economic activities is removed, then fire is used to eliminate the remaining bushes, technique performed to prepare the ground for agriculture or livestock.

Burning in the Brazilian Amazon for pasture area.
Burning in the Brazilian Amazon for pasture area.

The second reason is due to the fires carried out in agricultural areas that already exist, which were previously deforested. They occur for the soil preparation, with weeding and soil fertilization for agricultural development. Fire is a very efficient, fast and cheap primitive technique, these factors motivate large landowners to promote it.

The third and last reason is the forest fires. They can be started accidentally, especially during the dry season, and can affect gigantic areas of vegetation cover, causing direct impact to animals, rivers and traditional and riverine societies. In some cases, they can be considered criminals, when individuals carry them out indiscriminately, and end up with large green areas.

Consequences of burning in the Amazon

Much of the environmental devastation that has occurred in the forest is caused by fires. The consequences of burning in the Amazon are many and threaten various aspects of the natural environment and planetary balance. Of these consequences, the immediate ones are:

  • Erosion and soil impoverishment;
  • Elimination of biodiversity local;
  • Decrease in surface water volume circulation;
  • Change in temperature and humidity conditions and the presence of water vapor in the atmosphere — rain;
  • Emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere, contributing to the global warming and greenhouse effect;
  • Climate change worldwide;
  • Damage to health, such as an increase in respiratory illnesses.

Also access: Environmental impacts caused by mining

Data on burnings in the Amazon

The Amazon Forest region is monitored daily by satellites and a task force of theNational Institute for Space Research (Inpe), in fighting fires. There are several starting points for this activity, and the data show us an intense and alarming situation.

North Region: Fire Sources Data by Year

Source: Inpe
Source: Inpe

The data reveal an intensification in the increase in fires in the Amazon Forest from the beginning of the 21st century, with more than 100 thousand outbreaks in 2002 and with double the amount two years later, in 2004. In 2005, there was a peak in the number of fires, more than 160 thousand outbreaks in the region. In 2010, the numbers are also frightening, with more than 130 thousand outbreaks in the region.

 As of 2011, there was a balance in the numbers, fires in the Legal Amazon are at an average of 50 thousand per year. Currently, in 2020, there are about 35 thousand cases registered so far.

By Gustavo Henrique de Mendonça
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