What is an adjective?

The adjective is a variable class of words, it can be inflected in relation to gender (biform or uniform), number (singular and plural) and degree (comparative and superlative). Its main function is to accompany the noun, giving it characteristics or presenting something that distinguishes it.


As for classification, adjectives can be simple (have a radical), compound (more than one radical), primitives (when they form other words) and derivatives (when they exist from other words words). Follow the examples:

  1. Simple adjective: Brazilian

  2. Compound adjective: Italian-Brazilian

  3. Primitive adjective: blue

  4. Derived adjective: bluish

Homeland Adjectives:

Adjectives are also used to indicate nationality or origin, for that, they refer to cities, countries and states. In this case, they are classified as patriotic adjectives. Examples:

Acreano – from the state of Acre.

Alagoano – from the state of Alagoas.

Goiano – from the state of Goiás.

Fluminense – from the state of Rio de Janeiro.

Carioca – from the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Goianiense – from the city of Goiânia.

Gender bending:

There are adjectives that will be used both to accompany masculine and feminine nouns, being they classified as uniforms, as they have only one form to indicate the gender, that is, there is no male and feminine. However, there are adjectives that are inflected as to gender, being called biforms (two forms, one for male and one for female).

biform adjectives: strange, active, beautiful, Portuguese, crybaby, atheist.

uniform adjectives: fragile, bad, exemplary.

  • In adjectives composed of two adjectives, only the second undergoes gender inflection. If it is composed of an adjective and a noun, and this is the second element, it will be invariant.

E.g.: Portuguese-Brazilian citizen.
Portuguese-Brazilian citizen.

Yellow-gold shirt
Yellow-gold belt.

Number flexion:

The simple adjective agrees with the noun in number, however, if it is an adjective made up of two adjectives, only the second element goes to the plural. However, if it is composed of an adjective and a noun, and this is the second element, there will be no variation in number.

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Ex.: Deaf-mute boy.
Deaf and dumb boys.

Canary yellow uniform.
Canary yellow uniforms.

Degree bending:

Adjectives can characterize the noun in a normal way, that is, without emphases, but they can also give intensity to the noun's characteristics. Therefore, in terms of degree, adjectives are classified into: comparative and superlative.

I. Comparative: In the comparative degree, the same characteristic is attributed to two or more beings, so the comparative can be one of equality, superiority and inferiority.

comparison of equality: Maria Luiza is as smart as João.

Comparative of superiority: Maria Luiza is smarter than João.

Comparative of inferiority: Maria Luiza is less intelligent than João.

II. Superlative: Here there is no comparison between beings, the characteristic given by the adjective is absolute or relative, that is, something or someone will stand out in the crowd.

Relative superlative: In this case, the adjective is attributed to a being that has a characteristic that sets it apart from all others. This can be superior or inferior.

Examples: I am the most demanding in my class. (superiority)
You are the least attentive in the class. (inferiority)

Absolute superlative: Here the features will be highlighted with an extra feature: the idea of ​​excess. When using an adverb it is called analytic, when using a suffix, synthetic.

Examples: You are very annoying! (analytical)
You are so boring. (synthetic)

  • Attention: Syntactically, adjectives perform the functions of adjunct adjunct (when accompany the noun) and the predicative of the subject or object (when they characterize the subject or the object).

By Mayra Pavan
Graduated in Letters

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PAVAN, Mayra Gabriella de Rezende. "What is an adjective?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-adjetivo.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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