Stereotypes are generalized opinions and ideas, used by people to pre-define someone or something regarding their behavior, gender, appearance, religion, culture, social status, etc. You...
Mediocre means average, poor. It is an adjective of two genders that qualifies that or that which is in the mean between two terms of comparison, that is, that it is neither good nor bad, that it is not...
Motivation is an impulse that makes people act to achieve their goals. Motivation involves emotional, biological and social phenomena and is a process responsible for initiating, directing and...
Gratitude is a feeling of recognition, an emotion to know that a person has done a good deed, a help, in favor of another. Gratitude is a kind of debt, it is wanting to thank someone else...
Flirting means flirting, flirting, is dating without consequences. Flirt is a verb derived from the masculine noun flirt, an Portuguese form of the English flirt, which means to flirt. Flirting is a...
Complicity is the action or state of having secondary participation or co-authorship in something. It can have the meaning of collusion or friendship, being used equally in both senses. When is it...
Love is a feeling of affection and a demonstration of affection that develops between beings who have the capacity to show it. Love motivates the need for protection and can manifest itself in different ways...
Resilience is the ability to return to a normal state. In the field of psychology, resilience means resistance to shock, to adversity. It is a term used in several areas of knowledge, such as...
A hypocrite can be a person who has hypocritical attitudes, or a false person, pretending, who does things that he actually wouldn't do, in another situation. Regarding the origin of the word, it comes from...
Equity is the feminine noun originating from the Latin aequitas, which means equality, symmetry, rectitude, impartiality, conformity. This concept also reveals the use of impartiality to recognize the...
Foolish means one who is not sane, that is, who acts recklessly, without having a good sense of his attitudes. A fool is someone who is insane, abnormal, a difficult person and...
Gender can be defined as that which identifies and differentiates between men and women, that is, male and female. According to the “traditional” definition of gender, it can...
Anguish is the psychological feeling that is characterized by suffocation, tightness in the chest, anxiety, insecurity, lack of humor, and resentment combined with some pain. In the psychiatric field the...
Personality is the set of outstanding characteristics of a person, it is the active force that helps to determine a person's relationship based on their pattern of personal and social individuality,...
Character is a set of characteristics and traits related to the way an individual or group acts and reacts. It's a moral spell. It is the firmness and consistency of attitudes. The set of...