Other forms of superlative and comparative

The superlative form is composed of: / In addition to the superlative form composed of:

 -that's right

esistono altri modi di formare superlativi./ there are other ways to form superlatives.

Succeed the ssesso with the comparison of uguaglianza, che all'invece dell'uso di eat and how much si userà altri modi per far un paragone di uguaglianza./ The same happens with the comparison of equality that, instead of how and how much, will use other ways to do equality comparison.

 Al comparative di uguaglianza/ In the comparison of equality

All’invece di use eat how much possiamo use:/ Instead of using how or how much, we can use:

• non meno (di /che)

• al pari (di /che)

• altrettanto (di/che)

Vedi gli esempi:/ See the examples:

1) Anna is beautiful no less che intelligent. / Anna is both beautiful and intelligent.

2) Telephone issue is altretant good of you. / This cell phone is as good as yours.

3) La mia città è great al pari della your. / My city is as big as yours.

 Al superlative assoluto / In the absolute superlative

All’invece to use the formula: aggettivo (senza vocale) + issimo, si può to use - differenti avverbi, aggettivi ripetuti due back and degli prefissi. See./ Instead of using the formula: adjective (no vowel) + íssimo, you can use – different adverbs, adjectives repeated twice and some prefixes. Look.








Assai ecc.


Vedi gli esempi: / See the examples:

1) Anna is own beautiful. / Anna is beautiful.

2) Anna is extremely interesting. / Anna is very interesting.

3) Ho Comprato la casa con un prezzo hang out basso. / I bought the house at a very low price.

4) The situation is resolutely gross. / The situation is very ugly.

5) I buy a book molto interesting. / I bought a very interesting book.

*It's worth directing the situation where the servants are often used in this language, it's good to use them when you write./ It is worth saying that the situation noted above is often used in the spoken language; it's okay to use it too when writing.

 Aggettivi ripetuti due volta/ Adjectives repeated twice

Vedi gli esempi: / See the examples:

1) È stato un abbracio strong strong./ It was a very tight hug.

2) Anna ha aquito una gonna bella bella. / Anna bought a beautiful skirt.

3) L’uomo aveva la barba lunga lunga. / The man had a very long beard.

4) Sleep stanchion. / I'm so tired.

I prefissi:/ The prefixes:





*It's worth it if this costruzione is not used so much, but it is possible to check it in testo qualsiasi. / It is worth saying that this construction is not used as much, but it is possible that you can see them in any text.

Vedi gli esempi: / See the examples:

1) Anna ha sposato con un uomo Straric. / Anna married a very rich man.

2) I buy a radio ultramodern. / I bought a very modern radio.

3) Paolo sta archicontent col suo viaggio from him. / Paolo is thrilled with his trip.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/altre-maniere-di-formare-superlativi-comparativi.htm

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