Direct object, from the point of view of syntax, is the term that completes the sense of a direct transitive verb, being then classified as a verbal complement. Direct object can be classified as prepositioned direct object – in most cases – or non-prepositioned. Semantically speaking, the direct object is the result of a verbal action, the being to which the verbal action is addressed or the content of the verbal action.
The direct object can be represented by a noun, pronoun, numeral, noun word or expression, and noun clause. Look at the examples:
The guy loved The girlfriend. (girlfriend = Substantive)
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the boy doesn't didnothingthan the mother asked. (Nothing = Pronoun)
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the newspaper delivery left fifty copies at the newsstand. (Fifty = Numeral) ↓ ↓
Noun word or expression:
“How eagerly so angry/I want that one once.” (Once = Word noun) ↓ ↓
Substantive clause (direct objective):
No knowif you saw anything. (If you saw something = substantive prayer)
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Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
To make it easier to identify the direct object, you can follow an important tip that certainly will help: Every prayer is centered on a verb, so always ask the verb "what?" and "who?". These questions will be helpful for you to know what the verb is indicating, as this is the object's function. When there is a preposition, we will call the direct object prepositioned direct object. This, in turn, occurs when a direct transitive verb presents a direct object preceded by preposition. Look at the examples:
He loveThe you, Alice!
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VTD OD Prepositioned
The candidate fulfilledlikepromised.
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VTD OD Prepositioned
The prepositioned direct object appears for the purpose of attributing clarity to the ideas expressed, to ensure accuracy or by style. Note that, in most cases, the use of the preposition is optional, as its absence does not compromise the meaning of the sentence. However, there is only one situation in which the direct object is obligatorily prepositioned: when it is expressed through a stressed oblique pronoun. Look at the example:
the woman had forgotten the purse, the wallet and to you.
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VTD OD Prepositioned
Summarizing: The direct object completes the sense of a direct transitive verb and is then classified as a verbal complement. It can be prepositioned direct object or non-prepositioned direct object (most cases). |
By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters
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PEREZ, Luana Castro Alves. "What is direct object?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.