The palm is non-slip. The palm is non-slip

There is a part of our body that we always make use of, whether in situations at work or in our homes: we are talking about our hands. We use our hands at all times, whether it's to type a text on the computer, to pick something up, to applaud or even to wave to someone far away.

Have you ever stopped to watch your hand? So see how it looks, see the traces, also see your fingerprints. Look at someone else's hand and compare your fingerprints with theirs. They are the same? Surely you will see that it is not. It was at the beginning of the 20th century that Alphonse Bertillon, considered the father of forensic science, affirmed and created a new way of identifying people through fingerprints. With his new identification technique he proved that fingerprints are indisputable identification elements.

Given this, we can say that fingerprints correspond to the marks that our fingers leave on the surfaces where we place the palm of our hand. When we look closely at our fingerprints, we will see small bumps on the skin. These bumps of skin are called

papillary crystals. These crystals have important functions: in addition to serving as individual identification, they also serve as non-slip.

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Thanks to them we were able to hold the objects. If we put washing powder on our hands and later add water, we will see that when we try to pick up an object we will find it difficult to hold it, as it will become slippery.

Therefore, the palm marks and the soles and toes marks have the function of increasing the grip close to objects and the ground and, therefore, we are able to hold objects firmly, without leaving them to fall. Therefore, we can conclude that the palm of our hands is non-slip.

By Domitiano Marques
Graduated in Physics

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SILVA, Domitiano Correa Marques da. "The Palm is Non-Slip"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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