Benflogin (benzydamine hydrochloride)

The benzydamine hydrochloride (Benflogin) is an anti-inflammatory indicated for the oropharynx region, periodontal diseases, fights infections and is even indicated to calm itching in children. The maximum daily dose is 200 mg. Studies show that the ingestion of 500 mg of Benflogin leads to the development of hallucinations and if associated with alcohol these are more intense. This happens thanks to the psychoactive effects of its active ingredient, benzydamine hydrochloride, hence the use of these drugs in high doses has been very common among adolescents and young people, especially in life night. There are already reports of young people who increase their weekends with the ingestion of eight to fifteen pills of the ''magic potion'', taken with alcoholic beverages or soda.

In an overdose, there is an increase in the production and release of dopamine in the brain, accelerating activity in the limbic system that controls functions such as memory and emotions. The stored experiences suffer deformations, causing changes in the perception of reality and consequently visual hallucinations. Among the hallucinogenic effects described, the main ones are colored rays and lights, after the movement of the eyeball and the call by users of the "Bruce Lee Effect", in which scenes are viewed on camera slow.

When dopamine runs out, the person feels tired, drowsy, irritated, dizzy, upset stomach and lack of appetite. Gastritis, ulcers, intestinal bleeding, seizures, and kidney failure are symptoms of prolonged abuse of this medication.

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Some doctors question the sale of the drug. It was developed 40 years ago, and since then, new, less dangerous anti-inflammatory drugs have been discovered. But using Benflogin in the doses prescribed by doctors is considered safe. It is stated in the leaflet, in a very clear and objective way, that the drug should not be associated with alcoholic beverages, and it also states that overdose causes hallucinations.

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "Benflogin (benzydamine hydrochloride)"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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