Greeks. the history of the greek people

In the contents of Ancient History, the Greeks appear as an important people so that we can understand many of the customs and habits that underlie many of the patterns and customs of civilization western. Although pertinent, these comparisons are not always effective in understanding Ancient Greece more properly in relation to recent studies of it.

The first notion to be revised is that in which we project the Greek people as a large collectivity marked by the same identity. In geographic terms, we note that Ancient Greece was formed in an extremely rugged territory and composed of a continental and an insular region. Through such elements, it is clear that several peoples occupied the Balkan Peninsula and, due to the rugged terrain, developed very varied cultures.

Furthermore, it is important to point out that the Greek world is composed of different historical times, having its beginning approximated in 2000 BC. Ç.. Between the years 1400 and 800 a. C., the Homeric period reports the arrival of other formative peoples from Ancient Greece, having as a reference point the arrival of the Achaeans, Aeolians and Ionians to the Balkans. At the same time we still have the arrival of the Dorians, who promoted an aggressive incursion responsible for the destruction of several already established cities.

Soon after, between the VIII and VI centuries a. a., the archaic period refers to the process of formation of the various city-states. Such structures of social organization appear through the expansion of agricultural communities. The growth of these communities was marked by the formation of an elite landowners and the displacement of populations in search of other fertile lands.

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Between centuries V and IV a. C., the classic period was marked by the presence of several city-states and the occurrence of several conflicts responsible for the outbreak of the Medical Wars and the Peloponnesian War. The latter, marked by the clash between different Greek cities, made it possible for the Macedonians to invade Greek territory. At this time, the end of the classical period and the beginning of the Hellenic period are defined.

Dominated by Macedonia, Classical Greece has several of its values ​​and traditions spread across the territory known to be dominated by the figure of Emperor Alexander the Great. On the other hand, the Macedonian action allowed the dialogue of the Greek tradition together with the customs of the Eastern peoples, giving rise to a hybrid cultural scene. This epoch ends only in the II century BC. a., when the Romans happen then to dominate this same territory.

By Rainer Gonçalves Sousa
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in History from the Federal University of Goiás - UFG
Master in History from the Federal University of Goiás - UFG

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SOUSA, Rainer Gonçalves. "Greeks"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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