February 10 - Professional Athlete Day

Many children dream of becoming great professional athletes, being recognized for their great achievements in sport. However, not everyone is able to overcome the obstacles that exist in this career and make it a real profession.

To be a great professional athlete, it's not enough just to be good at a physical activity, it's necessary to have a lot grit and determination. The constant training, the heavy routine, few training places and the lack of investment and sponsorship in the area are just some of the challenges faced by future athletes.

The profession of professional athlete was only recognized in 1998 via Law No. 9615. From the publication of this law, it was established that it was necessary that the practice entities sportsmen to enter into a formal employment contract with the athlete, who now has their rights guaranteed. In addition, from that same year, the Professional Athlete's Day, a date celebrated on February, 10th to honor these professionals who are a great example of perseverance.

For those who want to pursue a career in sport, it is essential to know the activity you want to perform and all the obstacles that may arise during the walk. It is important to be prepared to deal with pressure and recognize defeats. as a form of learning.

Some people claim that they would like to be a great athlete and really have the potential for such a feat, however, often, they are unable to fulfill their big dream. Constant travel, expensive equipment and the need for a long period of dedication make many give up on this dream. Other times, future professional athletes are not dedicated enough and forget that training is the key to improvement and, consequently, to success in any activity.

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Therefore, everyone who wants to be a professional athlete must be aware that it is necessary to invest. When we talk about investing, we are not just mentioning the financial issue, we are talking about investing time in training and in the constant search for better results. It is also important to invest in health, always taking care of food and never using substances considered as doping.

It is worth noting that the constant practice of sports, in addition to providing these athletes with professional success, represents quality of life. Studies prove that sedentary people live less than those who practice physical exercise. The practice of sports is related to the reduction of health problems, such as arthritis, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and heart attacks, improved mood and sleep and decreased stress. In addition, it can establish and strengthen values ​​such as respect, persistence and team spirit.

* Image credit: Lilyana Vynogradova and Shutterstock

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "February 10 – Professional Athlete Day"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-do-atleta-profissional.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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