thermoelectric energy is any and all energy produced by a plant whose operation occurs from the generation of heat resulting from the burning of solid fuels, liquid or gas. The main fuels used in thermoelectric plants are the mineral coal, a naphtha, O Petroleum, O natural gas and, in some cases, the biomass.
The operation of a thermoelectric plant - also called a thermal plant - occurs as follows: the burning of fuel provides heating of water stored in the reservoir, which forms a steam, which, in turn, is directed to the generator turbines responsible for the production of electricity. Check out the following scheme:
Illustrative diagram of the basic operation of a thermoelectric plant
In general, the energy sources used by thermoelectric plants are not renewable, with the majority of fossil origin, which raises concerns about the availability of these resources in the medium and long term. deadline. Furthermore, the generation of pollutants for the production of thermoelectric energy, which emits a large amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, is also questioned.
Coal is widely used by thermoelectric plants, since this is the most abundant source of energy and has lower costs. In addition, the plants occupy a small area and have a level of productivity almost twice as high as that of hydroelectric plants, for example. On the other hand, its construction costs are high, which in turn increases the average price of energy for the consumer.
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It is interesting to note that nuclear power plants are also examples of thermoelectric power generation, as in them the nuclear reactions are carried out in order to heat the water and produce steam to, thus, generate energy.
Another consideration to be made regarding thermoelectric power plants is the high water consumption they carry out, which generates new criticisms of this form of energy production. Water is used both to produce heat and to feed the cooling system of its turbines, so the scarcity of this resource can also become an energy problem.
Thermoelectric power plants are the main form of electricity production in the world today, representing around 70% of world production. They are widely used by developed countries, which incites debates at international conferences on natural resources and the environment. In Brazil, where the use is predominantly of hydroelectric plants, thermoelectric plants act to supply industries and also as reserve sources in cases of energy crisis. Even so, they do not exceed 7.5% of national electricity production, and this number is only reached when all plants are in operation in the country.
By Rodolfo Alves Pena
Graduated in Geography
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
PENA, Rodolfo F. Alves. "Thermoelectric energy"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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