The siege of Leningrad. The siege of Leningrad in World War II

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During the years of occurrence of the Second World War, that is, from 1939 to 1945, various forms of combat, weaponry, revolt and resistance were developed. With regard to the theme of resistance, we can mention the classic case of French Resistance led by General Charles de Gaulle, who permanently fought against the Nazi occupation of his country. Another form of resistance, also against the Nazi occupation attempt, was that of the Russian city of Leningrad (formerly St. Petersburg, which, after the end of the USSR, was renamed), then belonging to the Soviet Union. This event was known as siege of Leningrad.

The siege of Leningrad lasted from August 1941 to January 1944. The Soviet command absolutely refused to hand over Leningrad to the Nazis, as it was one of the main cities in the USSR and had already been the capital of the Russian Empire until the period before the 1917 Revolution, hence the long duration of this siege. The Nazis tried to advance on the city at all costs, with constant attacks.

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The death toll in Leningrad varies between half a million and a million people during this period (this in a city that had about 2.5 million people). In addition to the constant bombing by the Nazis, hunger and diseases that affected the city also contributed to the death of Russian civilians and military, given that the city was completely isolated, unable to receive supplies and medicines from other cities.

The siege of Leningrad is considered by some historians to be one of the many war crimes in the country. Wehrmacht, the German Armed Forces.

* Image credits: commons

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

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FERNANDES, Claudio. "The Siege of Leningrad"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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