Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. geographic features

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is a country of Central America formed by the island of São Vicente and a group of 32 islets (the North Grenadines). The national territory is located in the Caribbean Sea and has no land borders, being relatively close to Saint Lucia (to the north) and Grenada (to the south).

With a territorial extension of only 388 square kilometers, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is among the smallest countries on the planet. The predominant climate is tropical, with high temperatures. The country has a mountainous terrain and is home to large areas of tropical forest.

The national population, formed mostly by descendants of African slaves, is composed of approximately 109 thousand inhabitants, with 51% residing in rural areas. The infant mortality rate in St. Vincent and the Grenadines is 12 per thousand live births and illiteracy affects 12% of the population.

The economy has in agriculture an important source of labor capitation and financial income. The main crops are banana, coconut, sugar cane and yam. In recent years, tourism, driven by the beautiful beaches and pleasant climate, has emerged as one of the main economic activities in the country.

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the beauties of sao vicente and the grenadines attract thousands of tourists
 The beauties of St. Vincent and the Grenadines attract thousands of tourists

Data from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:

Territorial extension: 388 km².

Location: Central America.

Capital: Kingstown.

Tropical weather.

Government: Parliamentary monarchy.

Administrative division: 6 parishes.

English language.

Religions: Christianity 88.7% (50.5% Protestants, 18.5% Independents, 16.7% Anglicans, 3%) Others, 5.5% Others, 3.3% Hinduism, 2.5% Atheism.

Population: 109,284 inhabitants. (Men: 55,171; Women: 54,113).

Demographic density: 281.6 inhab./km².

Average annual population growth rate: 0.1%.

Population residing in urban areas: 49%.

Population residing in rural areas: 51%.

Population with access to the health network: 96%.

Life expectancy at birth: 72 years.

Infant mortality rate: 12 for every thousand live births.

Currency: Eastern Caribbean Dollar.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $583 million.

GDP per capita: $5189.

External relations: World Bank, caricom, British Commonwealth, IMF, OAS, WTO, UN.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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