At tattoos are increasingly popular with young people, adults and even the elderly. In the United States, it is estimated that 10% of teenagers have their bodies marked by this type of art. However, despite being popular, many people do not really know how they are made and the risks generated by carrying out this practice in inadequate environments and with poor hygiene.
→ How are tattoos done?
Tattoos are made by applying ink to the skin region known as the dermis, which is located just below the outermost layer of skin, the epidermis. The ink is injected through fine needles that penetrate about 2 mm of the skin until it reaches the proper place. It is important that the ink is placed in the right place to prevent the tattoo from being removed. If the ink was placed superficially, the skin peeling process would lead to the elimination of the tattoo.
→ What are the steps to get a tattoo?
To get a tattoo, a few steps must be followed. Initially it is necessary to clean the place where the tattoo will be made, removing all the hairs in the region. Some professionals recommend that the hair removal be done at least two days before the process to avoid inflammation of the hair.
Before starting the tattoo, it is It is essential to disinfect the area that will be tattooed. The same must be done with the tattoo artist's hands before putting on the glove. In addition, before starting the process, it is important to verify that the needles are disposable or have been autoclaved (sterilization device used in surgical instruments and the like) and whether the inks have their original labels.
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After cleaning the area and checking the material to be used, the transfer phase of the design that should be tattooed begins. The technique called decal allows the contours to be made to stay on the skin in order to guide the tattoo artist's work. Once that is done, the ink injection begins.
Once the tattoo is finished, it is important to do the local dressing. Approximately three hours after drawing, it is necessary to wash the area with running water and mild soap or antiseptic. After cleaning, it is essential to apply healing ointment and redo the dressing.
It is recommended that the dressing be applied for two days at least four times a day. After this time, the recommendation is to use only the ointment healing. Other important tips are: don't take a bath in the pool or the sea, don't expose the tattoo to the sun and sauna during the healing period, and don't remove the peels that form.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "How are tattoos done?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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