The symbolism of the rose

The rose is the most symbolic flower in Western culture. The Rose is a flower dedicated to many goddesses in mythology. Symbol of Aphrodite and Venus (Greek and Roman goddess of love). Christianity adopted the Rose as the symbol of Mary. According to the Greek myth, when Aphrodite was born from the foams of the sea, such foam took the form of a white rose, so the white rose represents purity and innocence. The myth tells that when Aphrodite saw Adonis wounded, hovering over death, the goddess came to his aid and stung herself on a thorn and her blood colored the roses that were consecrated to her. Thus, in Antiquity, roses started to be placed on tombs, a ceremony called by the ancients of "Rosalia". Every year in May, the tombs are decorated with roses.
The Red Rose signifies the height of passion, blood and flesh. For the Romans, roses were a creation of Flora (goddess of spring and flowers), when one of the goddess' nymphs died, Flora transformed her into a flower and asked for help from the other gods. Apollo gave life, Bacus the nectar, Pomona the fruit, the bees were attracted by the flower and when Cupid shot his arrows to frighten them, turned into thorns, and thus, according to the myth says to have been created the Pink.

The Rose is also consecrated to Isis who is portrayed with a crown of roses. The closed Rose's core made the flower signify the symbol of secret in many cultures.
A medieval custom was to place a Rose on the ceiling of the meeting room indicating that where the flower was on the ceiling, matters should be kept secret. Soon came the custom of painting roses on the ceilings of rooms and thus led to the decoration of many houses of classical architecture.
According to tradition, each color of Rose has a meaning, whereas in Alchemy it represents the feminine and corresponds to the woman's sexual organ. The cross being a male symbol gave rise to the word “Rose-Cross”, the first symbol of the Rosicrucian order.
In Hindu tradition, the goddess Lakshmi (goddess of love) was born from a Rose. Symbolism of beauty and purity, perfection in every sense, in the Middle Ages the Rose became a symbol of the Virgin Mary by meaning of purity. The rose windows of Gothic cathedrals were dedicated to Mary as an emblem of the feminine in opposition to the cross. The original rosaries were made with rose petals. The word “rosarium” comes from the Latin “rosarium” which means rose garden.
There are countless myths about the Rose, in general it has the meaning of love, be it spiritual, carnal, virginal. Symbol of purity, the rose has its properties not only symbolically, but it is used in medicine, for perfumes, cooking, among other attributes. The Rose has become a symbol of love and, therefore, many people have the habit of giving the flower of love to their loved ones.

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Per Letícia de Castro
Columnist Brazil School

Mythology - Brazil School

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DANTAS, James. "The Symbolism of the Rose"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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