Meaning of Camellia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

CamelliaCamellia is a plant whose scientific name is Camellia L. family owned Theaceae. This plant has a beautiful flower that is used a lot in decorative terms.

Regarding the meaning of camellia, there are differences depending on the color of the flowers. Pink camellias signify greatness of soul; white camellias are an allusion to perfect beauty and red camellias are a sign of recognition.

The gender camellia it has about 80 species originating from Southeast Asia, forests from India, Japan and China. Its beautiful flowers can be white, red and pink. Some may be yellow, but these cases are rare. Some flowers can reach the size of an adult's palm, while others can be as small as a coin.

Some species of camellias have a soft and pleasant aroma. Species like the Ç. japonica, C. sasanqua, C. reticulata, and Ç. chrysantha they are very popular because they are plants that have dark, dense foliage and also large, beautiful flowers. The crossing between different species allows the creation of hybrids that have the best characteristics of each species, this being the case of the yellow camellias, obtained through the process of hybridization.

The world leaders in growing and breeding new camellia varieties are Korea, China and Japan. In Europe, from the 19th century onwards, Italy assumed a prominent role, creating different varieties and establishing itself as one of the largest western producers. just the species camellia japonica features over 3000 varieties.

Camellia appreciate fertile, acidic and high-humidity soils. In terms of luminosity, it can be located in semi-shade or full sun. Camellia do not adapt to very high temperatures, but can withstand frost and snowy climates.

Camellia sinensis

THE camellia sinensis, equally belonging to the genus camellia, is a plant that gives rise to thousands of types of tea, depending on how it is grown, or how the leaves are collected and prepared. This plant originates teas that fall into four categories: white tea, green tea, oolong tea and black tea.

The seeds of some species produce an oil that is used as fuel. The trade involving this plant is responsible for the movement of billions of dollars every year.

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