Body Mass Index (BMI). Calculation of Body Mass Index

O Body Mass Index (BMI) it is a parameter widely used to classify individuals according to their weight and height. Its use is widespread mainly among professionals who work with the body, such as doctors, physiotherapists and Physical Education professionals. It is important to emphasize that the World Health Organization (WHO) uses this index as an indicator of the level of obesity in different countries.

The calculation of this index is quite simple and, to use it, you just need to know your weight and height and enter them in the formula. The formula given is as follows:

___________________weight_(in kilograms) ___________________
height x height (in meters)

See an example for this calculation: a person weighs 57 kilos and measures 1.54 meters tall. So your BMI will be:

57 kg = 24.03 kg/m2
(1,54)2 m

That is, in possession of the exact value of its height, multiply it by the same value (or square it). Then divide your weight value by the square of your height. Next, use the table below for classification:

Therefore, if we were to classify our example in this frame, this individual would be considered “normal weight”.

Like any index, this one also has problems. It is not because this individual is considered normal by the table that he will necessarily be healthy. Just as it is not true that every overweight individual has health problems. This index is only a warning: if you are overweight, it is important that you take greater care with your health, as the risks of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, for example, are greater in people located in the overweight and later ranges.

It is possible that a teenager who thinks he is chubby will be surprised when he calculates his BMI and realizes he is in the “normal weight” range. This is because, especially in the last two decades, extreme thinness has been presented as the main beauty factor. The placement of photos with skinny models has been under attack, but unfortunately, this is a value that the mainstream media still maintains. Many people – especially women – end up developing eating disorders due to the search for this pattern.

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On the other hand, although still far from the level of the United States, many Brazilian children have reached obesity. Childhood obesity is a topic of great concern for Public Health today. And no wonder: these children tend to have problems with high blood pressure, low resistance cardiovascular, high triglycerides, diabetes, in addition to psychological problems for being stigmatized among your colleagues.

In this sense, it is essential that parents and teachers are aware of the weight of children and adolescents. Just as excess fat is not good for your health, the other extreme is not. And, as a means of keeping an eye on the weight factor, the use of the Body Mass Index is highly recommended.

Therefore, if you notice any problem related to weight, refer the child to an endocrinologist and a responsible Physical Education professional. By taking care of food and practicing regular physical activity, it is possible to control the problem.

By Paula Rondinelli
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Physical Education from the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP
Master in Motricity Sciences from the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP
Doctoral Student in Integration of Latin America at the University of São Paulo - USP

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RONDINELLI, Paula. "Body Mass Index (BMI)"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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