Meaning of Chrysanthemum (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

ChrysanthemumO chrysanthemum, common name given to the Chrysanthemum, it is a plant that belongs to the family Asteraceae, also known as composite. In Asia this plant is highly cultivated and esteemed.

More than 100 species and about 800 varieties are known. Originally chrysanthemums are yellow in color, so in Greek their name - given by Carolus Linnaeus - means "gold flower". Being linked to the Sun, in China the flower is often linked to the nobility. It is believed that the chrysanthemum was taken to Japan by Buddhists and is even one of the symbols of country of the rising sun, with the Emperor's own throne known as the "Throne of the Chrysanthemum".

This plant was taken to Europe in the 17th century, where, thanks to genetic alterations and the work of botanists and growers, different varieties and colors emerged. Nowadays you can find purple, red, white, pink and orange chrysanthemums.

Chrysanthemums like hot, humid weather, and although they need a lot of light, they cannot be exposed to direct sunlight. Chrysanthemum has many different meanings. In Asia, for example, this flower means happiness and is synonymous with a full and complete life. In the specific case of

white chrysanthemum, there is the belief that it symbolizes truth and sincerity. According to Taoism, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of simplicity and perfection. As it is a typical autumn flower, it also means tranquility and is seen as a mediator between heaven and earth, life and death.

Also considered as a medicinal plant, in China chrysanthemum was used as a remedy for headaches. The petals can also be used in salads and the leaves to make a drink. Legend has it that adding chrysanthemum petals to a glass of wine increases a person's longevity and vitality.

The Chrysanthemum and the Sword

The Chrysanthemum and the Sword is the last book written by American anthropologist Ruth Benedict. This is one of the author's best-known works, along with "Patrones de Cultura".

Chrysanthemum and the Sword is an anthropological analysis of Japanese society and culture. This work also includes the results of his research, developed during World War II.

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