When we talk about BrazilCurrent, we usually refer to themes that concern the last thirty years of our history, that is, since the end of the Military Government to this day. In this sense, we will comment on themes related to this period, which ranges from the democratic opening, beginning with the Amnesty Law (1979), until the popular demonstrations that took place in 2013 and 2015.
In this temporal arc, several themes are interposed. O Movement for the Right Now is one of the first and most significant. With the articulated political opening between civilians and military, between the years of 1979 and 1985, the population envisioned the possibility of returning to exercise the right to direct vote in the election of its representatives. However, the first civilian president, after a long military period, was indirectly elected in 1985. his name was Tancredosnows, who died before taking office. Josephsarney, elected deputy, he assumed the position, exercising it until 1989.
The Sarney government was one of the most troubled of the so-called “
NewRepublic", especially due to the economic upheavals the country has gone through. However, it was during the Sarney government that the constituent was convened for the elaboration of the new federal Constitution. The process of drafting the constitutional charter was headed by Ulisses Guimarães, one of the leaders of the new heir party of the MDB, the PMDB. The official version of the Constitution was completed in 1988. In it there was the reestablishment of democratic civil order and individual freedoms, as well as the guarantee of direct elections.Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
In 1989, the first direct elections took place and he was elected as president. FernandoColorinHoney. Collor also developed a government with strong economic instability, but also permeated with major scandals politicians, who launched an impeachment process against him, in the face of which he preferred to resign from the position of president. Collor's deputy, Itamar Franco, remained in power until the end of his term, from 1993 to 1994. During this period, an important financial device was created to solve the problem of successive economic crises: the Real Plan, created and implemented by names such as Gustavofranc and FernandoHenriqueCardoso.
The latter, a parliamentarian and sociologist by training, ran for president, winning the election and occupying this position from 1994 to 1998. Afterwards, he was re-elected and ruled until 2002. In the 2002 elections, one of the parties that had been born during the period of democratic opening, the PT – Workers Party, managed to elect its candidate: Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, who, like Fernando Henrique, ruled the country for eight years, from 2002 to 2010. From 2010 to the present (2015), Lula's successor, who is also a member of the PT, DilmaRousseff, has been ruling the country.
By Me. Cláudio Fernandes
(AMEOSC – adapted) The Federal Constitution of 1988 was drawn up through a National Constituent Assembly, which was responsible for drafting and approving the constitutional text, embodying the new supreme and fundamental law of the Brazil. The front of the Assembly was chaired by:
(Fepese – adapted) Check the correct alternative on measures adopted in the Cruzado Plan, launched in Brazil in 1986.
a) Price release, foreign debt moratorium and wage freeze.
b) Freezing of prices and wages, introduction of a new currency.
c) Confiscation of bank deposits in checking accounts and savings accounts.
d) Creation of compulsory loan on fuel and investments.
e) Extinction of the wage trigger, which readjusted prices and wages according to inflation.