THE study routine for those who work is pulled. The situation becomes more tiring when the student needs to prepare for college entrance exams, And either and competitions, a reality for many Brazilians.
subject and planning these are characteristics that need to be present in the day-to-day of the university student who works, since the student has to be able to reconcile studies and work without a function getting in the way of other.
Discipline is essential so that moments of fatigue and lack of motivation do not lead the student to abandon the dream of going to college. Starting studies already reserving a proper environment for school activity helps, as it avoids possible distractions in the few available moments.
Importance of planning
Reconciling multiple activities requires planning so that everything can be done properly. The coordinator of the Polyhedron course, Vinícius de Carvalho Haidar, cites three important steps for those who work and study.
1st step - planning: it is essential to plan your day to day to be able to study without harming your work. Without a plan, the student is more likely to scatter his focus;
2nd step - time: knowing the time available is important to plan studies. It is no use making several plans about what to study if there is not enough time for it;
3rd step - how to study: look for the means of study based on your reality. If you can, look for a pre-university or pre-Enem course at the time you have available. If that is not possible, look for other methods (which can also be used by the course taker).
See too:Learn to assemble your own schedule
know how to divide the time
Study for the Entrance exam or Enem requires a lot of time from students, but it is important to find a balance between study, meals, rest, physical activities and leisure. Dividing available time properly avoids emotional and physical overload.
The division of time changes from student to student, taking into account the times of each activity. Gabriel Brocchi Alves do Amaral, for example, works from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm and studies at night for the Chemical Engineering entrance exam.
The student of the Student Workshop course, from Campinas/SP, takes advantage of all free moments to review the content. “When I'm not at work, such as at lunch and on the way to the course, I go back to the activities I received during classes. The study techniques include solving exercises in the handout and consulting video classes”, he emphasizes.
How the daily time is planned is an individual decision, but some points can be taken into account by everyone. The pedagogical advisors of the Polihedro course, Thaís Arantes Ribeiro, Thatianna Montagnoli and Andrea do Lago Souza, separated some key points to be observed by the students:
Establish a routine: getting the organism used to functioning in the same period, that is, waking up, studying, eating and resting at the same time so that tiredness and hunger do not affect the study;
Get to know the course and what it requires: the workload of study changes depending on the course chosen. It is important to know the difficulty of the entrance exam and the time needed to prepare;
Don't forget the wording: train writing weekly, if possible;
Respect sleep: sleep between seven and eight hours a day. Don't trade day for night;
Schedule and take breaks: divide the study blocks and add short breaks between them. Take this time to go to the bathroom, walk a little, eat something, rest and stretch. "That way, the brain learns to exert itself and be distracted at the right time."
Know how to divide the stories: Spend more time on more difficult content than on easy ones, but don't leave any subject untucked. Place the most complicated ones in the hours that are most available and intersperse with the ones that are calmer to work;
Know when to relax: concentrate your studies and heavier activities during the week and take time for rest and leisure on weekends;
Review your study plan: review what was noted in your planning and see what is working and what needs to be changed - "localized matters at inappropriate times, combination of subjects that produces fatigue and changes in times for food, rest and others activities".
How to study?
If you take a pre-university course, there is already a defined teaching material that helps you direction of studies, as well as the presence of advisors and tutors for clarification of doubts.
If it is not possible to take a course, know that there are several ways to keep your studies up to date, including periods off work, for example. See how much time you have available to prepare and choose methods that fit well into your routine.
The coordinator Vinícius says that online study materials are very important for college entrance exams and can be of support for anyone. See what to use to study:
Previous tests: take it entrance exams It's from And either to know the complexity of the issues;
Online material:tips, videos, audios, classes;
Summarize what was read;
Do exercises: practice is very important for the fixation of knowledge. make the most of Exercises as much as possible;
review the answers: get the answers from the exercises, correct them and ask questions (with teachers, other students, in video classes, in forums and groups on the internet);
participate in simulated;
train writing: Brasil Escola has the Newsroom, which has free professional correction.
Build your study plan
Self-knowledge is very important at the time of study. Know the best methods for studying subjects, how much time is usually spent solving exercises, what are the the easiest and most difficult content and how long it takes to rest between work and class helps the student to prepare.
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Now that you've checked out the tips on how to study while working, how about checking out an example of a study plan and, based on it, assemble your own plan towards success in Vestibular or Enem?
Poliedro's advisors made the plan below based on the routine of those who need to reconcile work with studies.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
7:00 |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
8:00 |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Essay |
Study |
9:00 |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Essay |
Study |
10:00 |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Train |
Study |
11:00 |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Train |
Study |
12:00 |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
13:00 |
14:00 |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Study |
Study |
15:00 |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Study |
Study |
16:00 |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Study |
Study |
17:00 |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Work |
Study |
Study |
18:00 |
Study |
Study |
19:00 |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Study |
Study |
20:00 |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Study |
Study |
21:00 |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Class |
22:00 |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Class |
23:00 |
00:00 |
By Lorraine Vilela
Brazil School Team
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CAMPOS, Lorraine Vilela. "Combining work and studies: study routine for those who work"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.