South Dakota. State of South Dakota

The US state of South Dakota is located in the Midwestern region of the United States. It is limited to the north by the State of North Dakota, to the south by Nebraska, to the east by Minnesota and Iowa, and to the west by Wyoming and Montana.
After several years under British rule, the region finally came under the control of the United States, which they created in 1858 the territory of Dakota, which comprised the present states of South Dakota, North Dakota and part of the Minnesota. During the 19th century, the region began to develop significantly due to agriculture, encouraged by the construction of many railways. Development caused population growth, until on November 2, 1889, the US government created the states of South Dakota and North Dakota.
South Dakota has a temperate climate, with large variations in temperature, however, this instability is not so great compared to North Dakota; the averages in summer are 23ºC, and in winter, -9ºC. The state has low precipitation rates, the annual average is just 70 centimeters.

South Dakota's economy is based on agriculture (the state has one of the largest cattle herds in the country), on the provision of financial and real estate services, and on tourism. It is in South Dekota that Mount Rushmore is located, one of the main postcards of the United States. On it are carved the faces of four American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

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DANTAS, James. "South Dakota"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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