Mixed forest does not fit into a specific type of vegetation, as it brings together several compositions arboreal, that is, it corresponds to a transition area where, among others, deciduous forests and taigas.
In these areas, deciduous and permanent leaf vegetations are identified, especially conifers. This vegetative configuration develops in temperate climate regions where there is a high incidence of rainfall, with high rainfall.
Prairie is a biome composed of a plain devoid of trees or even shrubs, what occurs is a cover formed by large amounts of low grass.
This type of vegetation can be identified on all continents, with the greatest concentration in North America.
In Brazil, this vegetation is called field. The prairies also occur in the vicinity of deserts. This vegetative composition develops in different climates, such as tropical and temperate grasslands.
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The vegetation in question receives different types of name: in Europe and Asia they are called steppes; in North America, prairies; and in Africa veld.
There are variations of grasslands, in this case, there are basically three types:
High prairie: it develops in areas of greater humidity, where there is the presence of grasses that reach up to 2 meters in height with deep roots.
Mixed prairie: corresponds to a transitional area in which there is a great vegetative variety, germinated in very fertile soils.
Low prairie: it is poor in diversity and has small grass.
By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Mixed Forest and Prairie"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/pradarias.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.