Much is discussed about the origin of the Egyptian pyramids. Discourses marked by mysticisms still try to find answers to the complex engineering in the construction of these sacred places in Ancient Egypt. Some unscientific hypotheses support the possibility of supernatural help that the Egyptians could have received over their lifetimes. However, the pyramids were implanted with techniques that were well developed over 2500 years ago and the use of mathematics made it easier to calculate the position of the stones that fit on top of each other.
Historians and archaeologists, who seek answers to the mysteries in the construction of the pyramids, arrived at the conclusion that each stone block, which was cut for use in construction, weighed about two tons. Archeological sources show that the Egyptians themselves developed mechanisms to facilitate the transport of rocks and other raw materials.
Peasants were recruited during the dry period of the Nile River to help with the construction of the pyramid works. These constructions lasted about twenty to thirty years and several workers suffered fatal accidents during their working hours. Another obstacle in the engineering of these works were the labyrinths built inside the pyramids, as the pharaohs wanted to protect the entire their wealth that would be saved when they were mummified and so they thought of strategies to deceive the violators of tomb.
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As it is a sacred place and surrounded by symbolic power for the pharaohs, the Egyptian workers who survived at the end of the construction were murdered, because they knew the codes and secrets of the traps that were strategically elaborated inside the pyramids. This explains the mysteries surrounding these grandiose ancient constructions that still serve today as studies of the human past.
Even knowing the techniques used in the construction of these pyramidal works, some pseudoscholars raise the discussion of the existence of prophetic elements in the corridors of the Pyramids. According to researcher J. Ralston Skinner, there is writing on the inside of the Pyramid of Cheops that dealt with the story of Adam and also of Moses and Abraham. These researches and their results further increase the mysticism in which the history of pyramidal constructions is embedded and leave us eager for more answers and discoveries.
By Fabricio Santos
Graduated in History
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SANTOS, Fabrício Barroso dos. "The History of the Pyramids in Ancient Egypt"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.