Meaning of Sad (What it is, Concept and Definition)

sad is an adjective in English which in Portuguese means sad. It can also be an acronym that means Secretary of State for Administration.

The word sad serves to describe a feeling of sadness and is used in some well-known expressions such as very sad and I'm sad (which means "very sad") and sad but true, which means "sad but true". Ex: It is sad but true that many children don't have food. - It's sad but it's true that many children don't have food.

SAD (Secretary of State for Administration)

Within the scope of administration, the acronym SAD refers to the Secretary of State for Administration, a body that manages the State's central administration, which certifies that the targets established by the public administration for the State are achieved. As the State Executive Branch represents, SAD also has one of its functions to create strategies for the development of human resources. One of the services presented by SAD is the Performance Assessment System (SAD), where the work of the servers is evaluated. This service allows the development of the State as an organization, through an improvement in public management.

The EAGS - SAD is the acronym that means "Adaptation Internship to Sergeant Graduation in the area of ​​Administration", consists of an entrance exam for inclusion in the adaptation stage to the graduation of Sergeant of the Aeronautics. This internship is taught under a military internship at the School of Aeronautics Specialists (EEAR) and lasts approximately 21 weeks.

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