The development of the Napoleonic Wars across the European continent is the historic event that inaugurates Chile's independence process. In the year 1808, news of the invasion of Spain motivated the Creole elite to politically control the territory through a government junta. At that time, members of Chilean society itself directly assumed the powers of the former Hispanic possession.
Despite the significance of the conquest, the intention of the members of this junta was only to administer the territories until the political situation on the Spanish throne returned to normal. However, the transitional powers ended up opening the way for an election to determine the choice of the First Chilean National Congress. Its first representatives, although conservative, brought with them the influence of Enlightenment values and the autonomy conquered by the Americans.
In a short time, the separatist ideal would gain breath with the arrival of Bernardo O'Higgins to the Chilean government. In this same context, we observe that the separatist ideal gained another important support with the participation of General José de San Martín. Having accumulated military experience in the Argentine independence process, he would also be decisive in training and leading the so-called “Army of the Andes”.
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In the year 1818, after winning the Battle of Maipu, the liberation army definitively ensured the liberation from Spanish rule. Until the year 1823, Bernardo O’Higgins controlled the Chilean government with dictatorial powers. In its first years, the republican regime installed in Chile was marked by presidential terms of short duration resulting from intense disputes for power in the newly formed country.
By Rainer Sousa
Graduated in History
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SOUSA, Rainer Gonçalves. "Chile's War of Independence"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.