Correct use of the verb SER en español (present tense)

In Spanish, as in Portuguese, the verb BE, in the present tense, is used to express characteristics, identify, describe and value personas or cosas; to add posesión and indicate time (close, day, month, hour, etc.); to indicate where and when an event occurs, among many other things, that can be learned in the daily use of the language or in Spanish texts. In this way, learning the correct conjugation of the verb SER is very important for learning and for communication. It is relevant to decide that its irregular conjugation, or sea, in each person has a variation in its radical or in its termination. / In Spanish, as well as in Portuguese, the verb SER, in the present indicative, is used to express characteristics, identify, describe and evaluate people or things; to add possession and indicate time (date, day, month, hours etc.); to indicate where and when an event occurs, among many other things, which can be learned from the daily use of the language or from reading texts in Spanish. Thus, learning the correct conjugation of the verb SER is very important for learning and communication. It is relevant to say that its conjugation is irregular, that is, in each person there is a variation in its stem or in its ending.

Forms of the verb BE:

Indicative mode
Number speech personas Personal Pronouns Time:
Singular First yo I am
Second you/you
usted are you
third hey she are you
Plural form First nosotros,
Second usted son
third hello they son


In Spanish the use of the pronoun with verbs is not mandatory. / In Spanish it is not mandatory to use the pronoun with verbs.

Examples of uses of the verb SER:

To express various characteristics of personas or sews: / To express various characteristics of people or things:

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Maria are you a very smart girl.

Maria is a very smart girl.

soy la hermana mayor.

I'm the big sister.

you you are medical.

You are doctors.

Ellos son Brazilians.

They are Brazilians.

To identify people or things: / To identify people or things:

¿You you are Maria, Anton's friend?

Are you María, friend of Antón?

This one are you Paco and those son his brothers.

This is Paco and those are his brothers.

To describe physically or psychologically, unite the various people: / To describe physically or psychologically one or more people:

Mother are you rubia.

My mother is blonde.

Are happy.

We are happy.

To value people or things: / To evaluate people or things:

home are you more nueva que la tuya.

My house is newer than yours.

you new are you a good persona.

Your boyfriend is a good person.

To indicate posesión: / To indicate possession:

this book are you of Pablo.

This book is by Pablo.

These son your carpets.

These are your folders.

To indicate time (close, day, month, hour, etc.): / To indicate time (date, day, month, hour, etc.):

Today is the 10th of November.

Today is November 10th.

Ya son 12:00, time of almuerzo.

It's already 12:00, lunchtime.

To indicate where and when an event occurs: / To indicate where and when an event occurs:

Francisca's fiesta is in my house.

Francisca's party is at my house.

The meeting is mañana.

The meeting is tomorrow.

Hellen de Carvalho
Spanish teacher

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CARVALHO, Hellen Lopes de. "Correct use of the verb SER en español (present tense)"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.


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